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Tubbo was on the bus home from school. Once he got home he ran up to his room to avoid his dad. He set his bag down and grabbed the laptop him and Tommy bought with their money they got from working at a pet store in the summer. Tommy had told him they were gonna play Minecraft together tonight on their server with a couple others like ranboo and Wilbur. He got on and they had a great time building their world and making farms and talking over discord until Jschlatt barged into Tubbo's room. He quickly muted himself and looked to face his dad. "YOU SHIT EXCUSE FOR A CHILD" He threw his empty beer bottle at him. "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BE BORN. I DIDN'T WANT YOU AND NOW I'M FORCED TO TAKE CARE OF YOU. GET A JOB OR SOMETHING GOD" Jschlatt yelled while slamming the door. Tubbo sat there with the empty beer bottle and a feeling of emptiness. He didn't understand why his mom chose to have him. If she didn't want him why didn't she abort him. Where did she go. Why did she just leave. 'Your worthless.' The voice in his head said. 'No one really wants you in this world.' Tubbo wanted to cry. He looked back at his screen, his friends we're typing in chat and he could hear them saying his name through his headset. He picked up the headset and unmuted. With a slightly shaky voice he answered "hey yea I'm back sorry about that my dad needed me to do a few things. " they didn't know about his dad and he was too scared to tell anyone about the bullying and his home life. "Oh it's alright glad your back! " Tommy said as his character ran to his and repeatedly crouched. Tubbo smiled a little at the friendly gesture.

They all continued to play until most of them had to go. Ranboo and Tubbo were the only ones who really didn't have to go so they called and continued talking to eachother. Tubbo had switched to his phone at this point and talked to Ranboo while laying in his bed. Tubbo was fairly tired and his words became jumbled a lot which made Ranboo laugh. He was happy to make his friend laugh. Tubbo continued to talk till he fell asleep in the call. Ranboo on the other end could hear slight breaths and Tubbo moving in his sleep. He was really happy getting to spend time with Tubbo. Ranboo sat at his desk listening to Tubbo sleep and the slight music playing on Spotify in the background. He continued to play on their world until about 12 ish then decided to switch to his phone and fall asleep with Tubbo on the other end.

(Morning about 10 am)
Tubbo woke up to a ray of sun right in his eye. "Ugh" he groans pulling the blanket over his head. "Tubbo?" Ranboo said through the phone. Tubbo was confused at where his name was coming from. Then he picked up his phone and saw he was still in a call with Ranboo. "Oh, hey big man. I thought you would have hung up." "Nah it was kinda comforting. Anyways I know you kinda just woke up but do you maybe wanna hang out like, you and Tommy come over here? We could all spend the weekend at mine. I haven't yet asked Tommy but I'm sure he'll say yes." "Oh uh" Tubbo didn't exactly have anything planned and his dad wouldn't care if he was gone so he decided he would say yes and ask if he could be picked up. He lied saying his father wasn't in the mood to drive. Ranboo's mom agreed to pick Tubbo up and Tommy's dad would be driving Tommy over.

11 am.
Ranboo and Tubbo were waiting for Tommy to get there and just chilled in Ranboo's room. They hadn't had a sleep over in a while so Ranboo's room had changed a bit. There was a Lemon Demon poster and a lot of random objects every where on shelves. Tubbo was looking around and touching some of the little things he bought and was given. "These are really cool big man," He said smiling to his friend. "Thanks, I really like this" He stood beside Tubbo and picked up the paper figure of his Minecraft character. "I made this a couple weeks ago and I think it looks amazing, if you send me your skin file I'll make you one as well" Ranboo said happily. "Yea for sure, remind me when I go back home." Suddenly Tommy barged in and they all just stared at each other. "Your mom let me in" Tommy said smiling and setting his things down near ranboo's closet. "Awesome, so what shall we do? " Ranboo said very exaggerated. "Mario Kart! I know you have it! I'm gonna kick your ass!" Tommy shouted. Ranboo laughed "I've been playing a lot there is no way your beating me!" He said grabbing his switch and an extra controller. "Don't under estimate me bitch!" Tommy snapped back. Ranboo set up the tv and console and handed both boys a controller.

It was their 3rd race in and Tubbo had the highest score, Tommy and Ranboo made a silent agreement to gang up on Tubbo but they were so bad Tubbo still ended up winning. Tubbo just sat there smiling, enjoying being with his best friends.

After they were done playing Tommy said he was hungry, Ranboo agreed and they asked Tubbo if he was hungry, Tubbo declined and said he needed to use the restroom. He then got up and secretly took a pair of small scissors with him. Tubbo found the restroom. He went in and locked the door. He stared at himself in the mirror. Sadness washed over him. He hated eating. He felt so big. He pulled up his sleeve and took the previous bandages off. He looked at his arms. He always wore long sleeves due to cuts and bruises. Some from his father, some from him. He took the small scissors he had and started again. Going over previous ones. He winced. It hurt, yes. But he felt like he needed to do it. He wasn't allowed to eat. The voice in his head told him. He hadn't realized how long he was in the bathroom. He was crying while his arm bled. It hurt so much. Someone knocked on the door. It was Ranboo "Hey you okay? You've been in there a little while, Tommy and me already got food. And we got you a snack if you wanna eat it at some point" Ranboo said with a very caring voice. "I-" Tubbo's voice was shaky. "I'm alright. Give me a sec." Tubbo washed his arm off and wrapped his bandages back around his arm and put the scissors in his pocket and slowly unlocked and opened the door.
           ⚠️⚠️!!!TW OVER!!!⚠️⚠️

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