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Tubbo steadily walked back to Ranboo's room, he saw Ranboo and Tommy chatting and eating. "Welcome back" Tommy said with his mouth full but he covered his mouth with his hand. Tubbo waved and sat on the carpeted floor next to Ranboo. Tommy checked his phone. "Hey the weather looks nice out today, y'all wanna go to the park?" Tommy said finishing his food. "I'm down and it's not too far of a walk and there's a skate area next to it." Ranboo stated. They both then looked at Tubbo and Tubbo shrugged in agreement. "Alright cool" Tommy said getting up along with the other two. They walked down to the kitchen for Tommy and Ranboo to throw their dishes in the sink and after Ranboo ran to go grab his skate board. "Hey uh- do either of you know how to ride a skate board cause if so if you want you can ride my spare one if not it'll be just me" Ranboo called from the garage. Tommy said he knew how, so Tubbo had to walk. Ranboo opened the front door after handing Tommy the board. The two started riding and Tubbo walked behind them. Ranboo and Tommy were talking to each other so Tubbo zoned out while walking. They got to the road cross right before the park and since it was turning spring Tubbo saw a little yellow dandelion and decided to pick it up.

They arrived to the park and Tommy ran to the slides, Ranboo following a little slower after. Tubbo just sat on the swings watching and laughing to himself. His arm hurt a lot. Going over already open cuts really hurt in the moment but now they are starting to sting. He gripped his arm in pain and stopped swinging. "Tubs! You alright?" Tommy yelled from the top of the tower place set. Tubbo looked up and stopped gripping his arm "yea I'm good! Just hit my arm of accident!" Tubbo said yelling back and getting up to go on the tower with them. "Welcome to the tower of innitlive!" Tommy exclaimed. Tubbo laughed and then pushed Tommy down the slide. " Now it's underscore live! Your kingdom has fallen!" Tubbo laughed to Tommy at the bottom of the slide. Ranboo laughed "yea it's our kingdom now! A fallen king!" "You guys suck" Tommy laughed trying to get back up the tower.

They played tag and played with the tetherball that was there. Until Ran and Tommy wanted to skate. Tubbo sat on the bench and watched Tommy and Ranboo try tricks in the skate area when he left a nauseous feeling. He got so nauseous he bent over and puked. He didn't throw up much because he hadn't eaten anything in a while but it hurt like hell. When Ranboo saw him he rushed over and signaled Tommy to come along. "Whoa whoa Tubbo are you alright?" He said putting a hand on Tubbo's shoulder as he coughed. "I- I'm alright, I just got really nauseous. I'm sorry." Tubbo said trying not to gag from the sight of his own vomit. "Alright, how about we go back to my house and you can lay down for a bit and if you don't feel good we can drive you home." "I don't wanna go home.. " Tubbo said quietly thinking Ranboo didn't hear. "That's alright, you can stay at my house the whole time and rest if your sick." Ranboo said standing up and giving Tubbo a hand. When Tubbo let go of Ranboo's hand he nearly fell over. "Oh jeeze, dizzy?" Ranboo asked. "Yea I'm sorry I got it.." Tubbo tried to get his vision back to normal but he was so light headed. "Here let me just carry you" Ranboo said as he bent down in front of him to give him a piggy back ride. "A-are you sure? I'm really heavy.. " Tubbo said sadly. "I'm sure now comon" Tubbo then clung onto Ran's back and Tommy carried the skate boards back as they all walked.
        ⚠️⚠️!!!TW OVER!!!⚠️⚠️

They arrived back at Ranboo's place and Tommy put the boards back where Ranboo got them and Ranboo got Tubbo a glass of water after setting him down in his room upstairs. Tubbo took the water and watched Tommy walk in and sit beside him and put a hand on his upper back. He held the glass in his hand. "Tubbo please drink it'll help" Ranboo said gently beside him. Neither of the boys knew anything about Tubbo's home life that he didn't lie about, and they surely didn't know about his eating problems. Tubbo tried to take a drink and succeeded. He drank some more until the dizziness lightened up a bit. "You alright? Is the water helping, you didn't eat earlier do you want food?" Tommy asked. "I'm alright the water is helping and I'm.." Tubbo paused. "I'm not hungry. Thank you thought" Tubbo knew he should probably eat something small but he didn't want to. "Alright, well you can lay down for a little if you want, we can all just chill and do our own thing for a little if y'all want." Ranboo offered. "Its what ever you guys wanna do" Tubbo replied. "Well in that case I want a rematch with Ranboo and you can watch if you want" Tommy offered. "Yea sure that sounds okay." Tubbo said as he took another drink.

Ranboo turned the tv on and got Mario Kart again and gave Tommy the other controller. They moved the TV and set up to be at the end of Ranboo's bed instead of next to it. Tubbo was sat near the wall, Ran in the middle and Tommy on the other side of Ranboo. Tubbo had his eyes on the TV as he watched both of the boys play. He put his head on Ranboo's shoulder and Ranboo patted Tubbo's head and went back to playing. Tubbo was feeling better and Tommy started being very competitive now, calling Ranboo names and shouting. Tubbo just laughed and watched as they both sucked at the game eventually joining in again and wooping their asses.

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