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I would just like to point out this is a personal au! PRSONAL AU. I DO NOT condone shipping Tubbo, Ranboo or Tommy sexually. Anything cute is either platonic or romantic NOT SEXUAL. ALSO!! THIS ENTIRE CHAPTER HAS TWS! I GOT THE DAYS WRONG AND I'M NOT FUCKING FIXING IT JUST DEAL MAN🥲

(Saturday morning)
Tubbo was the first to wake up. He was still in Ranboo's arms. But dragged himself out of them to sit up. His throat was dry and he wanted water. He drank the water pretty well yesterday so he thought he would be fine. He walked out of the room and to the downstairs. He saw Ranboo's dad and said hi quietly. "Uh could I have a glass of water." He asked cautiously. "Yea ofcourse the glasses are in the cabnit left of the microwave." Tubbo nodded and went to get water. He grabbed the glass and filled it up. He stood in the kitchen taking small sips. He heard foot steps upstairs and they came from ranboo's bit of the hall so he assumed it was one of the two. He watched Ranboo's tired lanky body go beside him and grab a juice box from the counter. He looks really tired. Like he hadn't slept all that well. Ranboo hugged Tubbo from the side and drank his juice. "You alright bossman?" "Mmmmm" ranboo groaned. "It's so earlyyyy" ranboo got off Tubbo and just stood beside him. Tubbo and Ranboo weren't ever this touchy with each other but they were okay with it. Eventually Tommy came down to get food. Tubbo said he couldn't eat in the mornings. Which was true but he also just didn't wanna repeat yesterday. After they were finished eating they decided to go back upstairs to get dressed. "So what shall we do on this Saturday morning?" Tommy asked before the calling of Tubbo's name downstairs. Tubbo was confused and went downstairs. Tommy and Ranboo standing at the top to see what was going on.

He was there. Jschlatt. Tubbo could tell he was high. He was standing in the door way next to Ranboo's dad. "You fucking child! You do NOT. Leave without permission. GET HOME RIGHT NOW." Schlatt was screaming. Tubbo couldn't cover his ears. If he did he would be in more trouble. "I SAID NOW. " Tubbo didn't want to leave. Schlatt then entered the home and dragged Tubbo from the stairs. Tommy and Ranboo just looked at each other, worried.

Schlatts grip on Tubbo was tight. Tubbo tried not to cry. If he did. It would be worse. They got home and Schlatt started throwing anything he could at Tubbo, screaming at him because he left without permission. Tubbo knew he should have asked but he didn't want a no. He was 16. He was old enough to do things on his own. Schlatt grabbed a knife. Tubbo was horrified. "You deserve this." The voice said. Tubbo started crying. Schlatt yelled at him to stop and shut up but he couldn't. He kept crying. He was scared. Scared of his own dad. Schlatt pushed Tubbo to the ground and punched him. He sliced his arm with the knife. And kept hitting him till he had bruises and was bleeding from the mouth and nose. Schlatt was pissed. This was one of the worst. Schlatt got up to clean the blood off his hands. Tubbo layed there. Bleeding. He was light headed. He tried to get up. His arm hurt. His head was so heavy. He was bleeding so much. He went into the bathroom and texted Ranboo and Tommy

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ Bench Trio ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

Hey Tubbo is everything alright?

Sorry. My dad was kinda mad cause I didn't tell him what I was doing. I need to come back to get my things.

Will he possibly let you stay again?

I don't know.

Okay. See ya when u get here.

Tubbo looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like shit. His face was all bruised and bleeding. He grabbed a cloth and started cleaning his face up. He bought makeup to hide bruises and put it on. He cleaned his teeth of all the blood. And he got his nose to stop and cleaned it up. He wrapped his arm in bandages after cleaning it pretty good, it was painful. He checked his phone for messages and there were none. So he went out the door and checked for his father. He was in the kitchen. "I-im going back to R-Ranbos for my things b-but could I maybe just stay the rest of the weekend?" He asked nervously. "YKNOW WHAT GET OUT. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. I DON'T WANNA SEE YOUR PATHETIC ASS." and that was all he needed. He ran out the door. He ran as fast as he could to Ranboo's. He didn't stop till he was there. Ranboo was waiting for him at the door. "I" he said panting "I can stay" ranboo smiled but noticed Tubbo's sleeve was a crimson red. "Hey are u alright? Is that blood?" Tubbo held his breath. He needed a good excuse. "I- uhm" "Tubbo.. What happened after you left." Tubbo was scared. What if he leaves too. Tubbo didn't look at Ranboo once. Ranboo put his hand on Tubbo's shoulder, opposite of the cut. "Tubbo please. What happened." "I.. I fell and broke a glass and it cut my arm a little" he lied. Ranboo douted his response but let it go. Tubbo went into his house and Tommy was glad to see him back. They spent the day at Ranboos house talking and playing games together. Ranboo wasn't sure about what happened with Tubbo when he went home but he really didn't wanna push it, but he was really worried. He noticed that Tubbo really didn't eat ever, not just at lunch during school. That's the thing what really worried him, self harm.

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