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Ranboo's alarm went off and Tubbo woke up with Ranboo turning over to shut his alarm off. Tubbo looked up at Ranboo and looked at him with tired eyes. Ranboo found it adorable. "You gotta get up" Tubbo just groaned and put his face back into Ranboo's chest. Ranboo blushed "come on man you still have to go to school, I'll be there Thursday" "noooooo" Tubbo whined. "Yesss" Ranboo said as he picked him up and put him on the other side of the bed. (Flipping over basically) "uhhg" he said as he rolled off the bed onto the floor. Ranboo laughed "you're still in MY clothes so you need to change before you leave" Tubbo eventually got up, he stayed on the floor for quite a while, aka until he had about 7 minutes to get ready and out the door. Ranboo was laughing as Tubbo scrambled to get out of Ranboo's pants and his own Hoodie and change into his clothes and brush his hair and teeth. He said goodbye to Ranboo and ran to the bus stop, thank god it wasn't too far.

                 ⚠️⚠️!!!TW!! ⚠️⚠️
(Time skip to lunch :p)
Tubbo was tired and Tommy was sat next to him talking his ear off. He really needed to piss so he told Tommy and said he'd be right back. He went into the lunch bathroom to take a piss. He remembered what happened the day prior. Jeeze. He didn't want to think about it. He finished his business and went to leave. His luck had run out for the day. Seth. Why hadn't the principal sent him home for as long as she did Ranboo? "I thought I told you to stay away from Tommy, didn't I? And also what was up with you blabbing to Ranboo and having that fucker punch me huh?" He put Tubbo in a corner again. "Tommy is MY friend!" He was smacked. "Shut up you worthless piece of shit! Ranboo isn't here to protect your sorry ass anymore." He got close to Tubbo's ear "I really didn't like what he did yesterday." He pulled a knife out Tubbo's eyes widened. "I'm gonna really hurt you if you don't stay away from Tommy. And tell Ranboo to mind his own business. " Tubbo was frozen in fear. Seth retracted the knife "Don't you dare tell anyone about this or your dead." He then walked out. The bell rang and Tubbo used the wall to get up. He walked to his locker and to class.
            ⚠️⚠️!!!TW OVER!!!⚠️⚠️

Tubbo was sitting at the table him, Tommy and Ranboo (minus Ranboo today) usually sat at in Mr. Jacobs' with his hands in his lap and his head down, Tommy tried to talk to him but it was no use. He was trapped in his thoughts. He couldn't just ignore Tommy but he didn't want to get hurt. He didn't want to ignore Tommy but what if Seth went after Tommy instead? What if Seth hurt Tommy? He was tapped. "Hey Tubbo can I speak to you in the hallway please?" Mr. Jacobs asked. Tubbo was startled by the tap but said yes and got up and went to the hall. "Is everything alright? You looked very distressed in there. Did something happen?" Tubbo was not really sure how to answer he didn't want to get hurt. "Yes I'm alright just kinda tired" he smiled. Mr. Jacobs believed him and they walked back into class. "Was was that about?" Tommy asked, "oh, he just wanted to make sure I was alright" Tubbo smiled. Tommy said okay and continued his work he was given while Tubbo went back to trying to do his work and ultimately failing. The bell rung and they both gathered their things and headed to their next period. Jesus Tubbo did not want to deal with Seth again not after what just happened 45 minutes ago. He walked into class and surprisingly Seth was there before him. Damn. He walked over to his seat and sat down Seth started poking him. He handed a note to him. It read '₭łⱡⱡ yourself" with kill scribbled out so it was almost not readable so he couldn't get in trouble, it also wasn't close to his hand writing. Tubbo sighed and put the note in his pocket. Maybe he should. Then he wouldn't get on Seth's nerves. Seth could replace him easily. Ranboo would forget about him and be happy he was out of his house. His dad would be glad he was gone for good. The bell for class starting had rung.

(Time skip to school over)
When Tubbo got back to Ranboo's house he went right into Ranboo's room, dropped his bag and collapsed onto the floor. He felt like shit. Ranboo immediately got up to see what was wrong. He closed the door and picked Tubbo's upper half up "hey what's wrong are you ok?" Tubbo looked and felt so dead. Ranboo frowned at getting no response but Tubbo's eyes looking away from him. Ranboo hugged him. He didn't know what else to do with him not answering. "I'm sorry Tubbo. I just wanna know what happened" Tubbo stayed quiet, he was good at that. "Do you wanna go on a walk or to the park to maybe clear your head?" Tubbo once again didn't respond. Ranboo sighed. "Let's go for a walk" Ranboo said picking Tubbo up and going back downstairs.

               ⚠️⚠️!!!TW!!! ⚠️⚠️
Halfway through the walk Tubbo stopped dead in his tracks, his head was down "I'm sorry. " Ranboo stopped "for what?" "Everything." "What? You didn't do anything wrong" Tubbo saw a car driving towards him. 'End it.' The voice spoke. The car got closer. And closer. Tubbo jolted to get in front of it but right at the last second Ranboo grabbed the back of Tubbo's shirt and pulled him back as fast as he could. "TUBBO WHAT THE FUCK?" Tubbo almost did it. Tubbo didn't feel anything at that moment. But he really wanted to succeed. He hadn't responded, Ranboo was saying stuff but he really couldn't hear him. The voices were really loud. "Why didn't you succeed. You're a burden now. Do it again." rang inside his head. All he could do was give a blank stare. Ranboo was panicked he had no clue what to do, his friend just tried to kill himself in front of him. He wasn't getting any response from Tubbo. "TUBBO PLEASE" Tubbo looked up at the boy screaming at him. He was crying. 'What had he done.' He thought he pushed the voices to the back of his head. He wanted to cry. He didn't. "Why Tubbo please answer me!" Tubbo couldn't answer that. "I'm sorry, intrusive thoughts won I guess. I didn't mean too." Ranboo was trying to calm himself down. "Tubbo please tell me what's wrong when your feeling like this or text me it, something. Please dude you're one of my best friends and I don't wanna lose you." Ranboo hugged the younger. "Sorry." Was the only word Tubbo said. Ranboo pulled away, Tubbo still averted his gaze "let's go home" Ranboo's phone buzzed in his pocket a muffled 'Star ships were ment to flyyyyyyy hands up and touch the skyyy' was heard from inside his pocket. Even though Tubbo just tried to end his life he found the ringtone very funny. Ranboo's answered it was his mom "hey sweetie just wanted to know what you two wanted for dinner. " "anything is fine mom" Tubbo kept in his laugh. Ranboo hung up. Tubbo laughed a bit and Ranboo smiled at him. "Now let's go" Ranboo spoke as he began walking.
             ⚠️⚠️!!!TW OVER!!!⚠️⚠️

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