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"What is the full name of DNA?"

Ding! Peter's enhanced reactions allowed him to hit the bell first.

"Deoxyribonucleic Acid."


Acdec. practice was going well. Too well. Not a single question had been answered wrong so far, (MJ was almost pleased), and Flash hadn't made any comments towards Peter...yet. He had, however, remarked several times about his dad's new business deal with Tony Stark. He also hadn't answered any questions, making Peter smile to himself a little. There was a reason Flash was only the first alternate.

As MJ cycled through the last few questions, Peter found himself tensing up in apprehension. He wasn't sure if it was the fact that nothing bad had happened yet, or if it was the mysterious sixth-sense he appeared to have developed (he barely repressed a shudder at the name his aunt, May, had given it – his 'Peter Tingle'. Peter was not impressed, although Tony Stark though it was hilarious).

Peter brightened upon remembering he was headed to Stark Tower that afternoon. Messing around in the lab with Tony Stark (Tony Stark! :0) was the perfect time to completely nerd out. Being able to do whatever he wanted, with a literal genius and his tech, and sometimes the avengers' own equipment was practically Peter's idea of heaven.

He was startled from where he'd zoned out by the subtle vrrt vrrt of a phone vibrating. Realising it was his, Peter slipped his phone out of his bag to see a message from Tony.

Hey kid. Picking you up instead of Happy. I'm outside :-)

His best friend, Ned, who still got crazy excited over Peter having Tony Stark's number – even Peter himself couldn't believe it sometimes – started whisper-shouting in his friend's ear. "Tony Stark's picking you up? Dude, that is so awesome."

Peter was more concerned with the emoticon Tony had used. Surely he knew that the one without a nose was better. The more pressing concern, however, was that Flash appeared to have overheard Ned's comment. "Come on, Leeds. You really believe what Parker says? Tony Stark? Yeah, and I've got Captain America over for dinner tonight." Peter's phone buzzed again, and he barely registered Abe tapping his bell with a "That is false!" and Mr Harrington reprimanding him.

Bring your friends too if they want. Your friend Ted can help sort that coding you needed doing, and from what you've said, Scary MJTM will get on fine with Pep

Peter replied after letting Ned and MJ know, who both texted their families to get permission.

Mr Stark, you can't trademark a nickname you made up for my friend's nickname. And his name is Ned. And :) beats :-) any day.

I'm a billionaire, Pete. I can do what I want :-)

Suddenly, Peter found his phone ripped out of his hands.

"Oh my God, Parker. How sad are you?" Flash crowed, Peter's phone in his hands. "Who've you got pretending to be Iron Man? What kind of stupid texts are these?" Just then, MJ piped up. "See, the thing is, Flash, you can get rid of stupid texts. However, unfortunately for you, you can't get rid of that face." "Michelle...don't, just don't, okay?" Mr Harrington said, amid uproarious laughter. "And, Flash, return Peter's phone please." With an exaggerated eye roll and sigh, and a huge smirk, he did so.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. But hey, Parker. If you're telling the truth, then that means Tony Stark's outside right now, yeah?" Peter, along with everyone else in the room, picked up on the unsaid words. Flash, and anyone else who chose to, could easily follow him to confirm if he was lying or not.

"Peter-" Mr Harrington tried to say, but was interrupted.

"It's alright, Mr Harrington. Let's go, I guess."

And with that, the entire Academic Decathlon team trailed behind Peter, Ned and MJ, with Mr Harrington the only one left behind. As they approached a clearly very expensive car, it began to sink in, for some of the group, that Peter might not be lying. They neared closer, and a window rolled down, revealing the face of Tony Stark, sunglasses and all.

"Hey, kiddo. What's with all the other people?"

"That's Flash's fault," MJ said, pointing. "Eugene Thompson. He bullies Peter, who does nothing because, and I quote 'I can take it, and other people might not be able to', Flash doesn't believe in Peter's internship, and got everyone else believing the same thing, and stole Peter's phone earlier and decided he was gonna follow him to prove he's a liar."

"MJ!" "No, no, let the lady speak. So, you, guy with the weird nickname, you've been bullying my kid?"

Flash paled, "You-your kid?"

"Might as well be. My own personal intern, too. See, I'd ban you from working at Stark Industries like, ever, but Pete's too good for this world and would probably object, even for you. Also, wouldn't want you working for someplace like Hammer Tech instead." He grimaced. "No, but I somehow don't think that business deal with your dad's gonna work out. Oh, what a shame. Come on people, let's go."

MJ, Ned and Peter stepped into the car, leaving the rest of the team. All was quiet, until Abe spoke up.

"Somebody tell me that Peter doesn't have an internship."

"Peter...doesn't have an internship?"


"That is false."

Classic Abe the Comedian well hope you enjoyed this also classic me for staying up till 1am

I need help well

Mom loves you (143)

Bye my kids see you soon! (Word count 865)

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