Field Trip pt. 9

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With a disappointed sigh, Peter turned to Flash, "For someone so intelligent, I would have thought once you realised, I was never lying, you would keep your head down and just enjoy the tour. Instead, not fifteen minutes after been given clear instruction a first grader could follow you have managed to disrupt this employee, and destroy a piece of equipment that cost thousands of dollars. I don't know what you expected to happen but you leave me no choice. The security officer outside is going to come in, escort you down to the lobby and keep an eye on you until your emergency contact can come collect you. You are officially barred from any and all Stark Industries properties and events". He waved for the security officer F.R.I.D.A.Y had sent to come in and escort Flash away.

"You can't do this Penis, I don't know what the fuck is going on here but, by the time my father is done suing you and Stark Industries, this company will be mine and the first thing I'm going to do is fire your stupid ass. You are nothing but a pathetic orphan who only got a job here because of pity. Look at me I'm puny Penis Parker, oh woah is me my mommy and daddy died in a plane crash and then my uncle died in a mugging. I bet they aren't even dead, they probably just wanted to get the hell away from you. How the fuck anyone could even love you is..." The rest of Flash's tantrum couldn't be heard after the door to the lab was closed. No doubt the whiney teen was giving the security guard an earful...and a headache.

Not for the first or even the second time that day, his class stood and stared at him, not knowing what to say. There was an awkward silence that went on for what felt like an hour but in reality, was only a few seconds before Peter turned to Gwen and asked what was next on the list. "W-well it was supposed to be the experiment with Dr. Banner, but he e-mailed to explain there was a change in plan and that he would meet us in demo room one at two for a Q and A". Instead, we have a walk around the various other departments with a brief explanation of what each department does" Peter nodded before facing everyone. "All right then, thank you everyone for you time, we appreciate it. My apologies for Mr. Thompson's behaviour"

Over the next hour the class was led through the other parts of the company and got a glimpse into everything it took for a company as large as Stark Industries to run. "Finally, we have the executive's floor, this floor holds the offices of people such as Ms. Potts and Mr. Stark. Rumour has it though Mr. Stark never uses his office anyway". Peter smiled "I can confirm the rumour is true, I don't even think the man knows he even has an office, he spends most of his time in his private lab". Everyone laughed at this, everyone except Mr. Harrington who was silently brooding, he did not appreciate the way Peter spoke to him, or how he humiliated him in front of his students. He also was extremely jealous of the fact Peter did actually work for the company. A company he was rejected from three times before he decided to get his teaching degree. No Roger Harrington did not laugh, instead he was trying to figure out how he was going to manage to get Parker kicked out of school.

Abe interrupted his teachers brooding though, "Woah Peter, we knew you clearly had an office but up on this floor, just what exactly do you do here?" Peter had hoped the class wouldn't see his office; he should have expected it though with his luck. "I do a lot of work with Ms. Potts and that's all I'm going to say, I promised you'd have answers before we left and you will". Gwen coughed lightly to get attention back on her. "Alright then that's everything there is to see up here, why don't we head to the demo room for the Q and A with Dr. Banner". They were just leaving when Pepper came off the elevator muttering to her assistant "I mean really it is four hours since that meeting was supposed to end, they do realise I have a company to run right?". Her rant cut off when she saw the wide doe eyed teens in front of her. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't even see you all there. I hope you're all enjoying the tour, I wish I could stay and talk but I have a press conference to get ready for". They were all about to leave including Peter before Pepper called him back.

"Yes mo-Ms. Potts". With his back to class, they didn't see the terror on his face at his near slip up, but Pepper did and covered for him beautifully, "Really Pete, I thought we had finally got you to start calling me Pepper" Peter silently mouthed a thank you to his mother. His class were now to preoccupied with the fact he is supposed to call her Pepper to notice his near slip of the tongue, by the time any of them would remember it, it wouldn't matter. "Will you stay back a minute I want to go over the notes you took for the meeting with Hope Pym this morning". He rolled his eyes at her name-dropping Hope, making him instantly cooler, like he wasn't going to be the most popular student in the school come Monday morning. "Sure". He turned to his class "I'll see you guys there. "


Nothing to put here lol bye

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