Field Trip pt. 6

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The Chemistry teacher looked as if he wanted to pass out but he nodded none the less. "Yes Mr. Parker, that is correct, I'm sorry". Peter turned to the rest of his class and Gwen. "I am very sorry you had to see all of that everyone, I know it is not a version of me you would ever expect to see, everything will make sense later, in the meantime please enjoy the tour". With that he left everyone with their jaws hanging open. Even Ned and MJ who knew just how much authority Peter actually had, were shocked he spoke to a teacher like that. Flash summed up what everyone was thinking with three words. "What the fuck". Mr, Harrington didn't even bother reprimanding him for the language, he was in fact thinking the same thing.

Peter made it up to his office, not even noticing everyone who said hello to him as he passed. Once inside he closed the door. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. activate blackout protocol now". The windows all darkened, from the outside so nobody could see in, but he could see out, the room became soundproof and the lights dimmed. The idea for this protocol was originally for his heightened senses, but it would also work for a panic attack, which Peter pretty sure he was about to have if his breathing was anything to go by. He didn't even make it to his chair, he fell against the front of his desk, pulled off his jacket, pulled off his tie and undid the first three buttons of his shirt, but he still couldn't breathe. "F.R.I.D.A.Y. call dad, panic protocol". Five seconds later Peter heard one of the only things that could calm him down, "Pete it's okay I'm here buddy, just breathe". "I can't dad, I j- just ca - can..." "Peter that's talking, I said breathe. In two, three, out two, three, in two, three, out two three".

This went on for five minutes until Peter had control of his breathing again. "Okay Pete, tell me what happened". Peter recapped everything that had happened since he arrived at school, leaving out the part about Mr. Harrington grabbing him, he didn't want the man fired, which would be the nicest possible outcome if his dad found out. "Needless to say, while I know I'm capable of it, I don't like using my "CEO Voice" as you call it". Tony was livid at the way his son had been treated. "You've got this kid, I was a mess the first time I had to take charge, I was only twenty-one, and suddenly I was in charge of the biggest weapons manufacturer in the world. Power is a heavy burden. What is it your uncle used to say though? With great power comes..." "Great responsibility" Peter finished with a smile on his face at the thought of his uncle.

"Today was always going to be rough, that's why I made sure your team was picked and scheduled the tour for today, I wanted today to be as hard as possible so that when you got through it, you would know you can do this. Pepper and I wouldn't be giving you the power you have in the company now, at such a young age if we didn't know that not only can you handle it, but that you will thrive. Granted I didn't expect your teacher to be a grade A asshole, but my point stands. You have got this." Peter felt a hundred times better after talking to his dad, he always did. "Okay, you're right, I can do this, I can do this in my sleep. I've got to go; I have a meeting to prepare for". Tony smiled to himself, "Alright kid, I'll see you soon, love you". "Love you too". Peter stood up, fixed his shirt, redid his tie and brushed the wrinkles out of his jacket before putting it back on and sitting at his desk and going through the notes his mother's assistant had left there for him to go through.

At ten am exactly Peter walked into conference room three and the occupant stood up shocked to see him. "Miss Pym, Ms. Potts apologises but she has been caught in a meeting and has asked me to fill in for her". Hope raised he eyebrow, "Miss Pym? Normally I'm Hope". Peter smiled at the woman in front of him. "Normally I'm not filling in for the CEO of a multi-billion-dollar tech conglomerate". Hope laughed at his response, "Okay I'll give you that one...Mr. Stark". Peter smirked and gestured for her to sit as he took his own seat. They spent the next hour and a half going over some of the details of a proposed joint project between Pym Technologies and Stark Industries.


Thank you for reading. I hope u enjoyed the book so far. See you next time.

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