Field Trip pt. 11

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"So how many juice pops did you have to bribe Wanda with to have her bring you down here with her?" Morgan held up one finger and had the biggest evil grin on her face. "She said that I should get to meet all of your friends". Peter looked at the woman in question his pseudo big sister and all he got in return was a tongue stuck out at him. Joke was on Wanda anyway, it's the Avengers Peter didn't want everyone meeting, they would embarrass him. He had no problem with everyone meeting Morgan. He put her down and took her hand, "Well, why don't we go back to MJ and enjoy the rest of the Q and A before we have to go". He walked over to where MJ had saved a seat for him and sat down. Morgan climbed up onto Peters lap and grabbed MJ's hand. Peter knew he would be having F.R.I.D.A.Y show the recording to Tony later, rub it in that he was still only his daughters third favourite person. Neither Peter or MJ were aware of the stares they were getting from everyone. The other teenagers in the room thinking they were cute, all the Avengers thinking the couple would make great parents some day if they stayed together.

The Q and A went on for another ten minutes before none other than Tony Stark walked into the room. Everybody other than Peter missed the look of pure loathing he shot at Mr. Harrington and Peter knew then that F.R.I.D.A.Y had betrayed him and told his dad everything. "Alright everyone this ends the Q and A, we do have one last surprise for you though before the end of the day, if you would all follow Gwen to the briefing room next door, you will all get to sit in the back row of one of Stark Industries biggest press conferences in a while. Peter, a word please" They stood up, Ned gave Peter a fist bump and wished him luck. MJ wished him luck by kissing him which mad Morgan giggle "EWWWW". Her reaction only made everyone else laugh and the young couple blush. Blushing didn't stop Peter from covering Morgan's eyes and giving his girlfriend a quick peck before walking away toward the stage, watching as his sister ran to welcome their dad back.

"Hey Dad" Peter smiled apprehensively. "Don't you hey dad me, did you really think I wasn't going to find out about him..." he covered Morgan's ears and whispered "manhandling you". The rest of the adults in the room were all hyper alert now, Bruce's skin taking on a darker green tinge than usual – the new sign he was getting angry since he and Hulk had reached their understanding during the blip. "No, I knew you would, I was just hoping you wouldn't find out until after I dealt with it". Tony huffed in annoyance "Oh you were going to handle it were you, and how pray tell were you going to handle it?". Peter signed, "I was going to wait until the after the conference and tell him he needed to resign and find work that didn't involve children or he would have the full force of the Stark name and all it entailed breathing down his neck for the rest of his life". That shut Tony up, which made the other heroes in the room chuckle, if only slightly, they were still furious. "That's not actually too bad, I prefer my way of having the Avengers kick his ass, but your way is very Pepper Potts, which I'm sure she will love. Well apart from the reason why you are imitating her. She is on the warpath right now, when I left, Happy looked genuinely scared".
"We should probably fix that before she steps up on stage, her looking angry might not go over well with the press, you know, given the fact we are announcing me as your child and the next CEO of Stark Industries". Tony smirked at his son, "Oh there is no WE about it. You and I both know there are only two things in this world that cause your mother to lose all logic and rational thought and that is thought of either you and or your sister being hurt in any way, shape or form. You had the chance to tell her earlier and your words were, according to her "nothing I couldn't handle" so you can go in there ahead of us and handle with your mother". He sighed knowing he was about to get an earful from his mom, "I'm telling her you said she was something for me to handle". His father winced, but said nothing. He led everyone out the back of the stage into the hall and into the office at back of the podium in the briefing room, luckily for him it was soundproofed.

As soon as he opened the door, he got the tail end of a rant that had no doubt been going on for a while. " about how it looks Happy. That smug son a bitch put his hands on my son, I don't give a shit if I end up in prison or if it is caught on every camera in that room. You are going to get out of my way and I am going to go in there, rip out his throat and shove it so far up his ass it will be back in place". Peter took his chance to interrupt. "Is now a bad time, I can come back?". Pepper turned around and when she saw him, she ran forward and pulled him into a hug so tight he thought she might break a rib. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how you looked at it, the hug only lasted a second before she was pulling away. "NOTHING YOU CAN'T HANDLE?"

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