Field Trip pt. 7

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"Well that about covers everything scheduled for todays meeting Mr. Stark, you'll let Ms. Potts know what we decided?". Peter stood up and shook her hand, "Of course Ms. Pym, I'm sure she will agree with me that this project will not only do a lot of good for the world but also bring a fair bit of revenue for both of our companies". Hope smiled at him, "Okay, Pete meetings over, so I don't have to be CEO Hope Pym anymore, so believe me when I say that your parents are extremely lucky to have you and I have absolutely no doubts that this company is going to be in steady hands for decades to come. You will do more good for the world as CEO of Stark Industries than I think you ever could as the other guy. You have a real flair for business". Peter flushed at the praise, "Thanks Hope, that means a lot to me, see you at the party later?".

"What party?" She asked, trying to make sure she didn't sound like she knew anything. For the CEO of fortune five hundred company, who keeps secrets as a part of her job, keeping secrets about a surprise party was just not something she could do. "Please, Tony is about as subtle as a bull in a china shop, he also forgets I have super hearing. Even if I didn't hear him talking about it, I know him. There is no way he is announcing me as his son and heir to the world and not throwing a party afterwards".
Hope nodded; she couldn't really argue against what he said, "Yeah, that's true, yes I'll be there, everyone will be, those of us who didn't arrive last night will be here in time for the press conference, your dad is going to be upset he ruined the surprise.

"Don't worry I'll act surprised, don't want to hurt the old man's feelings, I've got to go though, my academic decathlon team are on a tour of the building today, dad's idea of proving I can deal with the stress of being a part of the company, throwing everything at me in one day. I'm supposed to be heading to lunch with them right now. I'll see you later".

Peter made his way down to the food court that was the Stark Industries cafeteria, this time, seeing those around him and acknowledging their greetings. He got to the cafeteria and sought out MJ, he saw her in line with Ned looking at the menu at the Mexican stand. "The burrito bowl is pretty good". Ned jumped a foot in the air, "Jesus, dude, don't sneak up on a guy like that, I could have had a heart attack". Peter gave his guy in the chair a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. "Be better aware of your surroundings next time and I won't be able to". MJ bumped her shoulder with his, "To be fair not all of us have a Peter tingle". He looked at her with mock hurt written across his face, "Really? I just got dad to stop calling it that, don't you start" She took his hand and raised her eyebrow slightly, he knew she was asking if he was okay after everything that happened in the museum. He gave her hand a light squeeze and smiled. He would fill her in later about his call with Tony, but for now all she needed to know was that he was okay.


Hi I hope you enjoyed this. I had to transfer to mobile because my laptop logged out of wattpad. Sorry if there are any mistakes or typos here or in the future.

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