"Good job kid."

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You felt warm lips press against your head, you groaned and rolled over. "Come on we have to go to work." You groaned again and rubbed your eyes with the back of hands and blinked slowly. Javi was leaned over you pushing your hair out of your face. "Sleep good?" You nodded and he pressed his lips against your softly. You took your hand to his face and held it, feeling his scruff tickle the palm of your hands. "You're scruffy" javi took his hand to his face stroking his jaw. You sat up and got out of bed to get ready for the day, today, you where going to javis office with your boss so he can brief the agents there about last raid including new possibly helpful intel. You went to your kitchen table and gathered the large stack of files into your bag, it was heavy but have offered to carry it for you. You Put on a dark green mid length pencil skirt, tights, heals and a black turtleneck neck accented with silver jewelry. You pulled your hair into a ponytail slicking it back with some gel, making it extra tight to keep it from moving though the day. Javi wore a black shirt with jeans and boots. Everything he wears is usually the same, it's a gamble with the shirts though. Javi hogged the bathroom shaving his face, his neck and cheeks covered in shaving cream but he kept his mustache. You helped his get the parts he hard a hard time reaching, you would notice little red cuts on them sometimes. Your neck held hickies from the night before, a reminder, But your shirt hid them well. Javi teased you about it, promising to leave more in areas that would be harder to conceal. You liked the idea but didn't show it. You both skipped breakfast but javi promised to take you to lunch today.

The car ride was long, you never realized how far javis office was from yours. It was on the other side of town. "Do you need help?" Your bag was pushing hard against your stomach, still heavy from your files. You pushed it down carefully to the floor of his truck making sure not to hit your feet, you sighed and leaned back into the chair. "I'm fine." He looked over at you then back to the road not thinking too much about it. "Javi, can I tell you something." He pulled his aviators to his eyes and adjusted, "what." You looked out your window watching the buildings pass by, "I don't like working at the embassy offices. Im doing my bosses job and getting paid to just be pretty." Javis looked over at you, "have you considered transferring?", "yeah, but I'm the only one I'm my department who handles files and reports.", "they'll train someone." He assured you, you wanted to move, but your boss wouldn't let that happen, he wanted you to stay right where you were. "Could I look into a position at your office?" Javi looked over at you, "uh, I can look it into it. No promises." You smiled at him and took his hand into yours, letting your fingers graze over his rough hands, "you know, if you do transfer, we can do quickies in the filing room." He smiled and winked at you, "Javier Peña! Absolutely not!" He laughed at your rejection to the idea. Your hand turned on the radio in his car, you cut your eyes at him remembering the comment, he would look over at you and smile. "Cmon you Would like it." You scoffed, "maybe, maybe not." He Smiled and turned his gaze to the road. Javi was beautiful, he was beyond handsome but he was Sculpted carefully. Someone really took their time on him. He was almost biblically beautiful, the kind of look that you wanted feed him grapes and fan him with banana leafs. He was intricately designed and carved from his head to his toes, he was very aesthetically pleasing to look at. You would sometimes catch your self watching him for too long and it made you pink. If you could describe him as something it would've been cocaine on ice cream, addicting and sweet, but will Also ruin your life . "You ready?" Everything came back to you, "yeah." He got out of the car, you looked over to undo your seat belt but he opened your door and leaned over you popping the locking mechanism on the seat belt and helped you out of the car. It was cute, made you Smile. You didn't want javi to think you where obsessive so you thanked him nicely and walked behind him while he carried your bag. You where created by phones doing off the hook and lots of people walking around, javi chatted with a few people on the way to his desk. It was small, stacked with mountains of files, his ashtray was full of dead cigarettes on the verge of overflowing. Steve sat across from javi, he was on the phone, javi put your bag down onto his desk and sighed. "Thank you." Steve hung up the phone, "well javi, you look better. How ya feeling old man." Pulled his seat out and motioned for you to sit, you opened the bag and too Out the files and started going through them to make sure all where accounted for. "Feel like shit." He reached for his drawer and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, opened it. "You got a light?" You fiddled in your bag and pulled out a old lighter and handed it to javi, he lit his cigarette and fiddled with it handing it back to you. "You're from the embassy office right?" You looked up from javis desk to Steve. "Mmhm, there's a brief today." Steve leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "And you're here why? Shouldn't mark be the only one from the embassy to do the brief?" You sighed and smiled, "because I'm his secretary, and I also handle all of the files and reports that we get from you guys down here. Every report we get I read and approve, or send back" He raised his brows and went back to going though his paper work. Javi leaned Over you and flipped though the document that laid In front of you, "save that for me will you?" You set the
Doc back into your bag.

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