"Hmm, starting as a fifth year, interesting." Alayna heard a grumbling voice come from the hat. "Let's see where you belong. Kind, certainly. Loyal. A passion for learning. Hmm, but there's something else. Something yet untapped. A desire, some ambition. Yes. Better be Slytherin!"

Cheering rose from all tables in the Great Hall, but especially so from what was now her own house. Slytherin. Alayna felt glued to the seat even as Professor Weasley removed the hat from her head. Her legs felt like jelly as she forced herself to stand and face the professor with the kind and gentle smile. She looked down as the professor waved her wand and her robes changed to match her new house. Not yellow, not blue, not even red, but green.

At least you won't be in Slytherin, I couldn't imagine anyone in our family being sorted into that house, her mother had been so confident, had laughed at the idea.

What's wrong with Slytherin?

Well, they're known for being ambitious and cunning, but many a Dark Wizard has come from that house. More often than any other house.

The Dark House, her father had joked.

Her house. Slytherin. This wasn't happening. She was supposed to be Hufflepuff, maybe Ravenclaw. Not Slytherin.

"Are you alright, dear?" Professor Weasley looked concerned. "Not what you were expecting?" Alayna raised her eyes to meet hers. The woman's expression softened as she saw the worry and fear there.

"The Sorting Hat is never wrong, dear. I'm sure you will come to see that. Now how about I show you to your common room?" Headmaster Black had already dismissed the rest of the students to their common rooms while the two had been talking. The once bustling Great Hall was now silent but for the few professors still hanging around. Professor Weasley led her out, making sure Alayna grabbed a snack on the way since she hadn't been able to partake in the feast. They navigated through more confusing corridors and made their way to the dungeons of the castle.

"Here we are, the door will only show itself to a Slytherin." Professor Weasley gestured to an empty wall. Alayna stared at it in confusion until she took a step closer. From the floor, what had once looked like tiles emerged as a silver snake that slithered along the wall to reveal a door under its large body. She turned back to Professor Weasley with a look of surprise, but the older woman just smiled. "I'll be along to collect you in the morning for your first day of classes, so be sure to get some rest tonight."

"Thank you, professor." Alayna wasn't sure what else to say. She had so many questions, but also she just wanted to sleep. There was no changing her house, so she supposed sleep was the best answer for now. She stepped up to the door, glancing back once more to Professor Weasley who waited for her to go inside. Everything would be fine, she told herself.

Just inside of the door was a beautiful fountain with statues of mermaids. To the right a spiraling staircase led further down. Alayna walked down the stairs, the middle opening up into a circle of pillars with water flowing down between them. At the bottom the water spilled into a small indoor pond. 

"Ah, there you are. The new fifth year, yes? My name is Clarissa Lestrange one of the two Slytherin Prefects." A girl with long black curly hair approached her at the bottom of the stairs. Indeed, she was wearing a badge on her school robes that said Prefect.

"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm-"

"I don't really care, I'm just here to show you to your dorm room." Clarissa waved a hand dismissively and turned to walk away, not even checking to see if Alayna followed. Alayna shut her mouth and followed after quickly. A short staircase to the right led into a curving hallway and a metal walkway. Doors lined the hall, each with plaques showing which year they belonged to. Clarissa stopped in front of the one marked for fifth years.

In the Shadow of Power - Hogwarts Legacyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें