She buys a lot of things for her room, and maybe a little to many clothes. We're here for a couple hours, when I think we're finally done. I'm not complaining, I'm actually having a good time with her. She gets very excited about the little things, it's cute.

She spots one last store we haven't been in yet as we're walking out. She gasps and looks at me, pleading. I chuckle at her.

"Let's go." I tell her.

We walking in and I'm hit with the overwhelming smell of floral perfume, like a bomb. The music's blasting some Britney Spears song and the employees are all helping a customer. They're also, all women. I think I'm the only man in this store. I look around and blush a little. The outfits are— mature, to say the least. It's not lingerie or anything, but it could be. Lacy tops and tees that cut very far down the middle. There's dresses and accessories in the corner, and I see a perfume section that's the cause of my headache right now.

"Maybe I'll wait for you outside.." I tell her.

"No, no I need your opinions". She shakes her head, she's not looking at me.
She looks around the store when she spots a rack of items. She rummages through them and picks up a dress.

She turns around, smile on her face as she holds it up to her body.

"Is this ugly?" She asks me.

Like I would know.

It's a cute colored long sleeve dress that has a wide neckline, like a square, that cuts down deep. I look at it close and see the sides are completely open, and held together with a tie. It's also incredibly short.

"I though you wanted winter stuff?" I shyly look at her.

"Yeah it's long sleeves, duh!"

"It's— a little.. short". I look away from her.

"Okay dad, but isn't it cute? It's my favorite color too!"

She looks excited, so I have to stick to the rules and tell her to buy it, but who would see her in that?

"Where would you wear that?" I ask, as inconspicuous as possible. Not letting her know I'm worried about other people seeing her like that.

"A party". She shrugs. "Or a date."

I choke on the air in my lungs and she looks at me weird.

A date?

"You don't think I should?" She looks sad.


"No, uh- you should get it". I mumble.

"Okay!" She takes it and walks to the accessories.

Thank God, that's over.

"Hmm". She hums. "I think these would be cute with it?"
She picks up a small package and looks at me.

The hell?

They look like socks, but their sheer and go up way to the thighs.

"What the hell is that?" I ask her.

She laughs and puts the long socks in her arms. Then, walks over to a lady, and asks for a dressing room.

We walk to the back of the store and I tell her I'll wait here for her to finish. She looks at me weird but agrees and walks in, locking the door.

After a while, I hear the door squeak open. I look back from my phone confused, as she wasn't in there very long.

She walks out and my jaw drops to the floor.
She's wearing the dress, and the tights.

Holy- fuck.

She looks at me and smiles, doing a little spin so I can see everything. I don't want to look, it's indecent, rude of me. But I can't tear my eyes away either.

"What do you think?"

I have no words, as suddenly my mouth is incredibly dry. I gulp hard, as my face heats up.

"Uhm- yeah, you look good- the dress! Looks good! It's.. fine!" I squeak.

It's exactly what I thought, to short, and cuts way to deep. The sides are completely open beside a thin string that crisscrosses against the entirety of it. And the tights.. they are- something. I've never seen them before, I can't help but stare at them as my face burns. I clench my teeth and force my eyes to hers.

She's smiling at me, all knowing— and proud.

Oh god.

"I like it!" She sings and disappears into the room again.

It's too late, the image has already been burned into my retinas. I can't seem to unsee it. The harder I shut my eyes, the harder I see her— in those fucking tights.


Okay, I'm definitely not okay with this.

She walks back out, now in regular clothes, and I sigh quietly to myself.

She pays and we exit the mall, bags and bags in her hands. I offered to help her, but she shook her head, telling me she can handle it.

The walk back to her house is long, and filled with her excitement. I want to be excited with her, but I have this weird feeling in my gut. It eats away at me, and I realize it's the same feeling I had when Stan and her were fake dating. I shake it away, afraid to actually explore it.

I walk her to her doorstep, and help her inside. She yawns in her hands and I figure it's time to go. The sun had set a couple hours ago by now, so I tell her goodbye. She hugs me at the door, and I pull her in a little tighter then I meant to. Like it's the last time I'll ever see her. I breath in deep and we let go. She waved to me, and I'm off to my house.

"See you tomorrow, neighbor!" She sings as the door shuts behind me.


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