a few notes about my story

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Ight so this is like my first sonic book and also ship so it's gonna be really cringe and stuff so read at your own risk.

Sometimes I will change the POV to sonic,shadow, friends,and others so it won't always be me or the narrator.

There will be some other ships in this book but for now I'm mainly gonna try to focus on the main ship (Sonadow)

And one more thing to mention,I might have some things wrong in the story and some cringe stuff so please tell me what you don't like and I could change it (if i ever see the comment bc I'm lazy)

I have like almost no motiv to write and get stuff done so just keep that in mind and I'm slow at coming up with ideas so yea

Anyways!Hope you enjoy and for the 3rd time,Read.at.your.own.risk

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