Episode 8: Where You Belong

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{We see Jaune and Pyrrha standing in front of a giant version of Little Weiss, this time with a menacing face as it stared them down}

I wanna make friends!

Nora: For freedom!

Jaune: Yikes! What is happening?!

{As both Jaune and Pyrrha runs away to get cover, another giant Little Weiss destroys a building as we can see another walking around, destroying anything in its path, falling debris almost crushing both Jaune and Pyrrha as they try to find cover}

I wanna go outside!

I wanna go on a trip!

I wanna be pampered!

{The Atlas Robots, now covered in green vines, rises from the ground and surrounds them before Nora and Ren gets covered by the vines as they eyes darkened until they got blasted away by some kind of force}

Jaune: What in the world...?

{We see both Nora and Ren on the ground, not moving a single muscle while Jaune looks up to see Negative Weiss on top of an building, electricity surging around her body while the giant Little Weiss continued to walk around the city}

Negative Weiss: ...

{She opens the book and raises her Myrtenaster in the air as a bright blue beam shoots in the sky, turning the sky dark gray as thunder repeatedly strikes everywhere, snow blows around the city in hurricane-like winds, the golden statue eyes glows blue. The ring around the statue breaks off and forms arms, three on each side}

Ruby: Why'd the weather suddenly change? Huh?

Weiss: What? I think I just saw something!

Negative Weiss: In the name of Big Nicholas and the great Schnee Family, all of you fools will receive... judgment!

Frostbite (Y/N): Incoming!

{Suddenly, a large golden fist come crashing down next to you as you and the rest of the group dodged just in time as you and the rest start to run away from the golden statue}

Yang: What now? Are we supposed to fight a building?

Blake: If we get inside, it can't touch us.

Yang: That's a big "if."

Ruby: I'll go in. Then I'll use a coin inside to make a door.

Blake: All right. We'll distract it.

Yang: Don't be so reckless! Ruby, I'll...

Ruby: It isn't reckless. I can handle this. Now isn't the time to treat me like a child.

Yang: Uh...

Blake: Let's believe in our leader, Yang.

Yang: Yeah. All right then, fine! Okay, here we go!

Frostbite (Y/N): Let's do it!

{You, Yang and Blake starts running to the statue as you made five fake versions of yourself towards the statue, another clone of yourself splits up to help Nora and Ren with while the camera zooms to the clones eye before cutting to see Atlas Robots getting destroyed by a large Little Weiss before the statue uses a hand to make the Weiss's float towards it}

I wanna play more!

I wanna go outside when I want to!

I wanna have fun talking to Mommy and Daddy!

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