chapter 16

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Before you continue to read this chapter, I would like you all to know that the play Adrien, Marinette, Nino, and Alya do is based on the song Mademoiselle Noir which is the song linked above! Some elements will be different, but most of it is the same. Enjoy!

It was now Friday. The day had come. The day of the play but more importantly, the day of the date. After their last "kiss", Marinette and Adrien hadn't spoken much. While creating the script, the most they did was throw shy and awkward glances at each other, hoping Nino and Alya wouldn't notice, which they hadn't.

It was early in the morning, the sun still barely up, and Adrien was getting ready for school. He had gotten up earlier than usual and took an extra long shower, making sure to get every square inch of his body. He applied some deodorant, put on his best cologne styled his hair, and threw on some clothes. It didn't matter what he wore right now because his date with Marinette wasn't directly after school, they had agreed to wait about an hour before meeting up at the park, giving both of them time to go home and get ready.

He walked over to his sink and applied toothpaste to his ladybug-themed toothbrush. He really needed to get a new one. As he brushed his teeth, he continued to fidget around with his hair. He needed to look perfect today.

"Why are you awake so early?" Nooroo asked, yawning as he flew up to Adrien.

"Did I not tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"I scored a date with Marinette!" Adrien exclaimed, putting his toothbrush away and looking over at Nooroo excitedly.

"Is that the girl that made you the hat for Masters event?"

"Yeah, that's her!"

"Adrien, you can't go through with that!" Plagg shouted, phasing through the cabinet and flying up to the other two.

"Why not!?" Adrien shouted back.

"You'll hurt her!"

"I would never hurt Marinette," Adrien stated, putting emphasis on the never. He loved Marinette, the last thing he would want to do is hurt her in any way. Ladybug had shattered his heart, he would ensure that never happened to Marinette.

"No Adrien, you don't want to hurt her. But you will! You don't understand the power that the Miraculouses hold-"

"I understand enough," Adrien said as he walked past Plagg and back to his room, looking in the mirror and deciding to change his shirt. He pulled it off and tossed it aside, going through his wardrobe to find another one as Plagg flew up to him.

"I have been alive for decades, Adrien. Do you think this is the first time we've had a holder like you? It always ends the same. Always." Plagg pleaded as he flew up to Adrien's face, but Adrien just continued to ignore him. He pulled out a black shirt with a singular white stripe and decided to wear that instead.

Plagg continued to try to convince Adrien to leave Marinette alone, but he still wasn't listening. Instead, he shut the door to his bedroom on Plaggs face and made his way downstairs to see Nathalie and Gorilla already waiting for him.

The drive to school was silent. It had always been silent. But after Gabriel's death, there was something different about this silence. It felt more tense.

As he had done every other day, he ignored that feeling and got out of the car, and made his way to his classroom. He had already had breakfast before leaving home so there was no reason to go to the cafeteria.

The misfortunes {Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें