Molding the Mental Image(Part 2)

Start from the beginning

As my thoughts spin in a fiery flurry, a small hand taps my shoulder. Taking another gulp of air to calm my heart, I turn to see Omori, her crystaline blue orbs transpiercing my view.

-I'm so sorry, did I make you wait for too long?

-N-no need to sweat over it, I don't think I've been here for more than two minutes? Probably less than that.

Her cute face softens it's features, mitigation overflowing it.

-Thank goodness, I'm not a fan of letting someone wait. So, shall we go, Ikuto-kun?

I merely nod to her as I don't have much to tell.

We began to stride next to each other through the streets that in a couple of hours will be bathed in orange sunset light. Should I try to engage her in a conversation to kill time? A valid notion, plus, I'm eager to ask her a question.

-Hey Omori.


-Why do you call me by my first name? It's true that we're in the same class, but we're not close friends.

She starts to curl a strand of her purple hair, that motion makes her even more beautiful.

Being in love is tough, even the simplest of gestures seems like the most precious thing. A shout out to all of my comrades going through arduous times in their love lives out there!

-I don't like formalities so I prefer to call you by your first name, but in case it bothers you I can stop doing so and adress you by your surname.

My shoulders shrug in insouciance.

-I don't mind you calling me Ikuto, but please no suffix, and I want to call you by your first name too.


-Is this proposition not to your liking?

She shakes her head in response.

-I do not mind in the slighest.

-Sweet! - I chirp at her.

Silence envelops us, but unlike our initial encounter over a year ago, I no longer feel the nervousness that would cause me to break into a sweat or heighten my anxiety. Perhaps I have developed a resilience to those sensations, thankfully.

-You know, I've been curious about something. - I begin.

-No one is stopping you from speaking. - Aika replies.

-I'm aware, so... how did you discover my adress, Aika?

Aika gazes at me with a vacant expression.

-Ikuto, have you forgotten that I am a mage? - my companion reminds me.

Ah, that's right. Why did I entertain such a foolish question? It's evident that she must have done so through unnatural means...

-A silly question from me, the answer should be quite obvious.

-Nah, I'm just teasing you. I went through your wallet and stumbled upon your ID card. There was a note with your address, presumably in case you lost it. - Aika confesses playfully.

-Haha, you're quite the comedian. Perhaps you should consider doing stand-up shows. - I retort.

We reach the intersection that I traverse daily with Tatsuo and Ren after leaving school. Aika and I turn left and proceed on our path. After a brief while, Aika halts in front of a white house. It appears spacious yet not excessively grand, a comfortable abode for a family of four or five, exuding an air of coziness.

Beyond What Is Divine - Volume 01Where stories live. Discover now