Chapter 12 (A New Life)

Start from the beginning

“I can’t get these images out of my mind, I must find out more about these symbols.”  Abby said to Hunter.   “Well, let’s go and see these symbols.  I am interested to look at these interesting findings, besides maybe we can figure it out together.  You know, they say two heads are better than one.”  Hunter said.      “Who said that?”  Abby asked arching her eyebrow.   “I don’t know.  It’s just a saying.  Hunter said.      “Yeah, ok.”  Abby said to Hunter giggling to herself.

Taking a short break from everything, Hunter and Abby decided to get some fresh air so they stopped near the location of the cave to take a walk outside.

As they were there, Abby went back to renew what she discovered.    She entered the cave, looking around the area and still amazed how interesting it looked.    This time around, she asked Hunter to come along for some extra insight.    He was in awe at the actual findings of the cave drawings and sketched down his own notes of what he saw there.  He has always been a reliable friend throughout her life.     Now that she found out the truth about him, their bond was even stronger and she knew she could trust him even more. 

On the way to Hunter’s house, they decided stop at the local convenience store in town to grab some food for dinner, some snacks, & a couple of drinks for the trip.    Abby and Hunter entered the store, going their separate ways with their own idea of what they wanted.     As Abby looked around the store trying to decide what to buy, she saw Jake from afar in the store.

Abby softly shouted “Hey Jake…Jake.”    Jake seemed like he was in a trance for about two minutes, but it seemed as if he was there much longer than that before she arrived in the store.    He finally snapped out of his hypnotic state and looked over in Abby’s direction.  He gave an uncomfortable side smile at her, grabbed what he wanted to buy, and headed to the counter.

As Jake was waiting in line, Abby quickly grabbed some drinks and some snacks & other treats before heading up to the counter, hoping that Jake was still there.

As she got closer in line, she saw Jake was still there.    He seemed to fade further and further away.    She silently called out his name again hoping to get his attention.

She stopped after she realized how ridiculous she was looking.    Jake made his getaway when Abby finally got to the front of the checkout line.    She was anxiously waiting to get out of the line and catch up to Jake.     When she finally came out of the line, Jake was already outside.

Hunter caught up with Abby outside of the store.    “Hey Abbs, wasn’t that Jake that I just saw coming out of the store?”   Hunter said to Abby.      “Yeah, that was definitely him alright.”  Abby said to Hunter.    “What was his problem?”  Hunter said.     “I have no idea.”  Abby said to Hunter shrugging her shoulders.    “He barely even spoke to me, something is not right.”  Abby said.

“Maybe he just doesn’t want to discuss it.  Maybe he just wants to be left alone.   Just give it time, he might open up about it…then again, he might not.    I know you wanna help him and all, but you just have to let this one go.”  Hunter said sincerely.    “Maybe you’re right.   He might come around one day…maybe, I don’t know.    I’ll just leave things be.”  Abby said.    “Of course I’m right, I always am.”  Hunter said.      Abby looked at him with a snide look on her face and stuck her tongue out.   She chuckled to herself.

“Well, we better get going before it gets really dark.”  Hunter said getting in the car.   Abby nodded and jumped in the car.    As she sat and relaxed, she thought about her very brief encounter with her cousin Jake and what could possibly be going on with him.  Hunter and Abby jetted off to the house.

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