I Swear If You....

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Barcode: Where's P'Talay?! I arranged with him, but I don't see him!... Why does this restaurant have no one p'?!.

Vincent: Because I booked it for the two of us.


Barcode is not liking what he is seeing, he is not comfortable, Vincent is showing that he is not just there to see him, Barcode wanting to leave, started walking backwards and talking in an attempt to escape from Vincent.

Barcode: Sorry P'Vincent, but I have things to do at home... I'm go to home..Thanks for booking the restaurant but unfortunately I can't stay... I...!

Barcode trying to turn Vincent grabs him by the wrist and pulls him grabs his waist with the other hand and squeezes Barcode in his body. Barcode got scared when being pulled and looking into the eyes of the man in front of him, Vincent has shown to be a different man that Barcode doesn't know, Barcode tries to push and break free of Vincent, talking the same time.

Barcode: P'! What are you doing?! Let go of me... Let go of me it hurts.... ahhh.

Vincent : Why are you in such a hurry N'Barcode?...( Vincent approaches his lips to Barcode's to kiss )... We have a lot of time together.

Barcode seeing Vincent approaching his lips, turns his head to the side.

Barcode: please P'! I don't want this.... ( Barcode looks back at him ) .... I just see P' as my big brother nothing more.

Vincent upon hearing the last words, stops wanting to kiss him, pushes him and lets Barcode fall to the ground.

Vincent: N'Barcode, you are such an idiot.

Barcode feels pain when he falls on his butt to the ground, he looks at Vincent and is terrified with the eyes that look at him with hatred and a completely different person than he knew, Vincent starts to approach Barcode, Barcode scared of Vincent crawls on the floor talking at the same time.

Barcode: P'Vincent what's going on?! Why do you look at me like that?!...

Vincent stops walking, irritated with someone.

Vincent: Ah! let's see what's going on...

Vincent quickly grabs Barcode's hair from behind and pulls Barcode's head closer to his face.

Barcode: Aaahhh! P'!...

Vincent stares at Barcode in the eyes and then in the lips again looking in the eyes, furious but showing a desire for Barcode, bringing his lips closer and closer to Barcode.

Vincent: You got close to a person you shouldn't have... You shouldn't have come back, N'Barcode... Why did you come back?! Everything was going great, you made the mistake of coming back, and now... I have to make you disappear.

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