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Barcode: Keep it with you ... Let's make another promise... When you find another right person, give him or her this thread ... I hope you find the right person for you one day and give yourself a chance by eliminating your past forever... I love you P'Jeff... Goodbye.


As soon as Barcode leaves the terrace, Jeff walks to the short wall, puts a hand on the short wall and squeezes tightly, he wanted to go after Barcode but he couldn't, thinking that it's too late to retreat and go after him, thinking that this separation is the best thing for both of them, Barcode is important to him, because of this Jeff didn't want to make Barcode suffer even more, because at this moment Jeff doesn't know what he wants, wanting to shed tears but he holds them back.

Jeff thinking : the worst part is you are innocent in all of this, i'm in the dark and you were giving me everything i would need to get out... i didn't see i was losing you... i didn't realize i was hurting you , I'm sorry... I put you through hell, you tried to love me when I hate myself, I know it's too late for apologies, for all the mistakes I hadn't seen, it's my fault.... now i'm alone again.... usually i'm the one to get burned... i hope you're ok, someone will love you the way i couldn't.

Barcode leaves the terrace, opens the terrace door, closes it and puts his back to the door, puts a hand over his mouth to hold back his tears, he didn't want to leave Jeff he didn't want to do what he did but it's what's best for his soul, as much as it hurts, Barcode saw that he needed it he needs some time to see if it helps to stay by the side of this man who is trapped by the past.

Barcode: Sorry... I'm sorry... Sorry.

Barcode takes out the hand of his mouth and walks away.

Jeff still looking at the buildings, looked down the building, in the silence, with pain in his eyes and in his soul he saw Barcode leave the building turn and look up towards him, seeing the sad eyes looking also with pain at him.

Talay approaches from the side, looks at Barcode, sad for both of them.

Talay: Are you okay with this?

Jeff watching Barcode turn his back and walk away as soon as Talay asks him this question.

Jeff: Learn something Talay... Difficult is not fighting for what you want, but giving up what you love most...

Talay: Do you really want to give up on him, knowing you love him?! Don't you think you're being too cruel to yourself?

Jeff: This is what's best for both of us... At the moment I'm not ready yet... I need to know what I feel, to know if I really love him... Put my thoughts and feelings in the right direction... Right now my thoughts are in a mess, and I can't make Barcode suffer anymore for an idiot like me... He doesn't deserve this... we both don't deserve any of this.

The Past|JeffBarcodeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang