Battle in the Highlands

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Had it actually been a trip, Artica would have been much happier: the Highlands were beautiful. There was an alternation of mountains, valleys, hills and so on and so forth, at least the landscape distracted Artica from the anguish of being on the other side of Scotland, who knew for how long, carrying out dangerous missions in which would most likely have her wings turned into a pincushion at the very least...

Riannon nudged the Elf with her foot, pursing her lips and tilting her head at the redhead. Saraide replied with a puzzled look and a shrug. Yes, it was right to cheer her up, but how? She wasn't good at that stuff, so she nudged back as if to say "You take care of it."

"Oof..." The Blonde Fairy snorted, thinking for a moment how to lighten up the situation.

"Arctica, we didn't talk much" he attempted a conversation. "Do you have any hobbies?"

The half-breed rolled her green eyes and shrugged "It's not like there's much to do... I'm a farmer, my day revolves around working in the fields and with our animals."

"But is there anything that makes you feel good when you do it?"

"... Does cooking count?"

Riannon nodded "Of course it does. What do you prefer? Sweet or savory foods?"

"... I would say that the pudge speaks for itself."

She loved sweets, it was not her fault that Arianna Neivers made pies and other things that could rival what the King of England ate. To be honest, the King knew nothing about real cooking. When food was too elaborate it lacked taste to her, at least that's how she viewed it.

"Do you like reading?"

"We don't have many books in town, and many are even illiterate. Luckily Aidan has studied and therefore he's in charge of teaching children to read, write and use numbers"

Clear. Given the people of Tobar were mainly made up of farmers, breeders and artisans who lived in the middle of the mountains and therefore it didn't take much to get by; however, it was right to receive a little education to live on.

Riannon tried a new approach "Can you play anything?"

"Riri, calm down" Saraide raised an eyebrow "Artica is hanging out with a boy and I don't think she's interested anyway."

"Saraide, I'm not hitting on her. I'm trying to pass the time since the journey is long. it's not that I have to be in love with someone to teach music"

Artica covered her face in embarrassment. "Engaged, to be clear, therefore I wouldn't be interested anyway. Can we please return to the main topic?"

"Fine, fine, i get it. Let us continue" The Leannan Sidhe resumed the speech "Like i said, my nature manifests itself when a bond is formed between me and the mortals who already have talent but who don't know how to develop it. If I took the life out of anyone I teach something to, there would be no other Fairies, considering that my kind often teaches the arts"

Artica thought about it, drumming her fingers on the wood "... I've always wanted to play the bagpipes; those British dickheads banned them in '45. I hope it's not too crude an instrument for you, blondie."

Riannon snapped her fingers, and a bagpipe manifested from nothing, landing on the redhead's lap

"Where the heck did this come from?!"

"I control everything I have in my house. As long as we're always in areas where our magic is strong, then we can use it it as we please."

"Huh..." Artica gazed at the instrument in her hands "Please teach me these tricks, in case I forget something at home."

Children Of Myths, Act One: ScotlandWhere stories live. Discover now