Part 14

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with sonic:

sonic was still laying on the bed thinking of a way to get away from manic that was guarding the door.

he look to his left and his right but the only thing that was close to him was a large silver jug with a glass of water half filled next to it on the top of the side draws thinking he could use it to his advantage as he then try to grab the  glass but purposely drop it onto the ground pretending to be frustrated by it.

manic saw the glass fall and went over to kneel down just to pick it up giving sonic that very moment to grab the jug and slam it over the green hedgehogs head but unfortunately sonic saw it wasn't enough to knock him out as manic only grunted from the pain.


all sonic could do was push his body on top of manic and press pin his knees over the others hands as he use all his strength he had to wrap one arm around manic neck and strangle him.

manic was much stronger but still struggle in sonic tight grip so sonic then pull manic head upwards causing the green hedgehog lousing any chance to recover as he soon went unconscious from the lack of oxygen.

as soon as sonic was sure that he was he then let go of manic and try to pick himself up but found it to be a challenge due to his injuries so instead he grab manic sword and use the bed to help him stand.

'dang this kills but the hell am i staying here i just hope if it's is shadow he will be fine till i get there'

sonic then lean on the sword as he limp out of the room feeling a rumble making the ground shake under his feet from a level below him 

'that must be were they are i have to get down there'


the rumble was cause by shadow crashing though the celling and slamming in to the marble ground of the throne room with mephiles jump out of the new hole and casually walk toward shadow that was picking himself up.


shadow was still in his super form and lunge himself towards mephiles only to be whip by one of his tentacles making a huge dent in the wall as shadow again crash landed against it'

'oh you got it wrong it's me who going to kill you'

mephiles threw as many tentacles in shadow direction to pulverise him but shadow teleported behind him instead quickly yelling chaos spear for it to land on mephiles back causing him to feel a little pain but shadow saw that were it hit made the other back to bleed only for the injury to close instantly

'what the hell?'

mephiles swung round to grab shadow by the neck but luckily shadow dodge in time before he could leaving a gap between the two with mephiles chuckling as he spoke in a challenging tone

'as i already told you i cant die due to my immortality but you however can't so why don't you just give me the emeralds and I'll make your death quick'

'never not till i make you pay for what you done'

shadow took off the golden rings off his risk dropping them on the ground and unleash his ultimate strength along with his super form turning from gold to also a fire red as his glare swich to a determined one as the two lunge at one another again.



'sorry but I'm afraid it will be you dying today'

silver was quick to dodge Sonia sword with him then using his telekinesis to slam her on to the ground as she then only saw a bright golden light consuming her with her then disappearing as the light faded

'great now that all done'

silver flew out of the hole and saw shadow in a different form fighting with mephiles as they throw kicks and punches each other to no end but notice that there was a tentacle behind shadow ready to fly at him.

silver flew up as he use's shadow Technique and threw a chaos spear at the tentacle destroying it with one hit then went to shadow side to fight with mephiles too however mephiles saw him coming from the corner of his eye and use his tentacle to attack silver to keep him from going to shadow side.

at this point shadow had enough so he use his speed and teleportation to throw in all different directions his strongest punches till mephiles lean to one side holding his cheek with shadow then teleporting on top of him kicking him down to the marble floor that form as a crater by the force from the raw power that shadow use.

silver that was fighting with the tentacle suddenly look around him to only see that them all stop and was slowly siding back to there controller that was laying on the ground with his eyes close with shadow metal shoe standing on his face as the blood from the side of mephiles head blead to the broken ground.

silver saw shadows rings at the side of him picking them up and rush to shadow who was now out of his super form due to his body becoming weak from the large amount of chaos energy.

silver pass shadow his rings and he quickly put them back on feeling a little bit better as they got to work to try and maintain the energy to it's normal level

'man shadow you took him down you must of been really piss if you took them off'

'so what at least he down for the count now'

shadow lifted his shoe off mephiles face as he saw a quick glance of mephiles smirking leaving shadow confuse till he felt something grab behind him and silver lifting them in the air bounding there arms and legs together so there was no chance of them getting loose


as the two struggle shadow went back to his super form to get ready to fight again but didn't have enough energy to get out of the tentacles while silver had them squeeze him till he no longer was able to breath and stop with the tentacles then loosening up.

mephiles pick himself up grunting in pain as he place his hand on his head to feel something wet on his hand and quickly pull it in front of his view to see that it was blood.

mephiles couldn't help but burst out in a hysterical laugh making shadow more piss off as he shouted 'why he was still able to stand'

'HAHAHAHAHAAHHAH...ah...don't tell me that you forgot that I'm immortal so it was pointless from the very start however must admit you were a challenge shadow but I'm afraid it's over

sonadowحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن