part 5

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498 years ago:

3rd person pov:

sonic full name is Ogilvie Maurice hedgehog and his family happen to be the royal family of the island called an island of jewel's as it was the only place in the world that can make jewels that possess power what we call now the chaos emeralds.
sonic and his uncle who always nickname him Felix as it was such an innocent name to him and thought it suited his nephew well.

they were both having a walk in the gardens till mephiles had to tell sonic the news

''Felix I'm going to go on a mission today and i want you to be good while I'm gone alright''

the young child sonic who was only 10 at the time reply to his kind caring uncle

 '' you have to go uncle''

''i must this is very important''

''you're not going out to kill someone are you'' his uncle laugh at sonic reply

''no, I'm going to get the emeralds of power that was taken from us by the rebellion army that manage to make a tunnel though the castle vault''

''but why do you have to go uncle it's not fair that you go and not the king himself and besides it just some jewels why they are so important to us''

''Felix they are not just any jewels these ones have the amazing power that was giving to us by the chaos himself anyone could take over the planet with it and that why it must not go in the wrong hands and as it's are responsibility as the keeper and users''

 'Keepers and users? never heard of them having power from chaos'

'don't worry your uncle will be back safe and sound to spend time with you and hell I'll even show you how to use the power...but it will have to be just between us alright'

'But if it's are responsibility how come i don't know about it' sonic said as he pouted

'well, it's because your too young to understand but i can tell you everything you need to know when i get back'

'Fine but please be safe uncle'

'i will if that the request from you then i shall obey'

mephiles went up to sonic and gave him a hug and a kiss on the forehead before he left for his mission but After a week mephiles came back walking up to the castle with sonic becoming more excited that his uncle was coming home that was till he saw him enter the castle door and in the throne room sonic was shocked and worried upon seeing his uncle full of scratches and deep cut as well as he can barely stand with sonic rushing over to him while the servants got the doctor but in his hand he had a small locked box that one of the servant's took to give to the king.

 sonic stood there holding on to his uncle trying to hide his anger he had toward his father and mother as they look in the box not even bothering to see mephiles condition.

even doe mephiles was injured he patted sonic on the head and gave him a smile as to say it's ok don't get mad as he walks up to the throne with sonic by his side to give his respect to the king and queen.

 sonic father and mother who was on their seats look down on the two as mephiles bowed and said his job was done but the queen notice that sonic was next to him with an angry expression.

 ''what the matter my dear boy why do you look angry''

''sorry mother I'm just angry because your brother can barely stand and all you can do is take that stupid box away and leave him there without caring if he ok or not''

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