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It was so boring until I got to lunch I got myself some coffee and went to go find Sebastian.
"Another coffee?" Seb said.
" Yep." I said nodding
I was highly to addicted to coffee its to bad to be this addicted.
" And anyway after what happened this morning I had to all my coffee spilled on that guys shirt."
" His name is Cameron."
" Yea that asshole."
Cameron wasn't that bad looking but after what he did to me I don't like him he's an asshole and all of his little squad. I didn't really eat food for what happened and because school lunch isn't that good. Lunch was over and I went to class which I had alone. Class was boring but then again when is it not boring. I was in class when I realized that one of Cameron's friends was in the same class. Oh great I have to be in the same class as this jerk. He always kept staring at me and when I looked at him he stared at me and smiled. This happens in the fault in our stars it's very cute in my case it isn't he should just stop staring. Why can't class be over already so he can stop staring.
Finally class is over I went out of class fast just in case he wanted to talk to me.
From: The Homie Seb 🚀🔥
Hurry up so we can go home!
To: The Homie Seb 🚀🔥
I'm coming

I went to his car and he was sitting down in the drivers seat using his phone.
" You got out of class early." I told him
" Yea that teacher is pretty chill so he let us out early." he said checking his Twitter.
" Seb stop don't check you're Twitter you know you're a loner." I said laughing at him.
" No I'm not I have 300 followers." he said laughing
We finally got home after a very long day at school.
" Sebastian guess what happened today at class?"
" What." he said sitting in the couch and I sat next to him and he lay his head on my lap and smiled at me.
"So I was in class and one of Cameron's friends is in that class and we'll be was staring and smiling at me."
" Really who? What's his name?"
" I don't know."
" Describe him to me."
" Okay well he had brown hair, blue eyes and he wasn't as tall as Cameron."
" Oh it's Hayes Grier."
" Oh."
" Does he like you?"
" I don't know I'm new and he was laughing at me when Cameron pushed me."
" True."
" He was probably thinking of a way to Humiliate me."
" I don't think so babe you're beautiful no wonder he stared at you who wouldn't."
" You're such a flirt Seb."
" It's true though." he said getting up and looking at me.
" Seb stop."
" Look Yareli listen to me okay"
" Okay?."
" You're beautiful and I can't believe I'm telling you this but I like you I've had a crush on you for the longest time and I know telling you this might ruin our friendship but I can't hide this anymore I just want to kiss you and hug you and cuddle with you but I can't because I know you don't like the same way I do."
" Sebastian I didn't know this.... I mean I never knew someone liked me."
" It's okay just say it you don't like me I get it."
" Seb I...." I mean do like him I always did but it's not like he would like me back so that's why I stopped liking him and well I hid but if I knew he liked me then I would totally date him but I still do and I hid this for so long.
" Seb I....."
And then I woke up. It was all a dream. oh. my. god. thank god.

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