"He has information I need." I replied. He grimaced, "is it really worth treason?"

"You haven't lost family, Apollo. I'd do anything to get them back." I snapped. Apollo quieted, tensing beside me. The rest of the ride to the castle was quiet. It took a few hours, and surely enough by the time we got there, I was hungry again. The carriage rolled into the gates, slower than it'd moved beforehand. I gasped as the castle came into view, it was stunning. The castle was cream and silver, unexpectedly. I was entranced with its architecture, the castle was so more more grand than the school had ever been, I felt shameful for ever comparing the two buildings. The castle stopped, two guards in black uniforms with swords on their hips pulled open the doors of the carriage, gesturing for us to exit on the sides we sat on. The guard on the right, my side, offered his hand, which I gladly took. The fall was steeper than I expected, so I stumbled a little, but the guard helped me to steady myself. I thanked him, reuniting with Apollo on the other side of the carriage. The guards had us walk before them to the palace, keeping us well within their sights. Walking upon the stairs of the castle was surreal, the building seemed far too gorgeous to have the history it did. Maybe it'd been cleaned up, but the history hung heavy even outside the building. It's large marble doors open just inches away from us, permitting us entry to the castle walls. I gasped, the building was gorgeous, two hand maidens came to lead us to the throne room. Guards were posted at every corner, a precaution from the war. The hand maidens had been quick to warn us of the queen's temper, that it was often fatal to guests and to tread lightly. They pulled the doors open, Apollo and I joined hands, easing our anxiety. We stepped into the throne room, walking a few feet into the building before dropping to our knees, offering the queen and king our respect. The queen wore a navy blue long sleeve gown, the dress with a turtleneck and gorgeous long sleeves, her crown resembled that of a sun, her lips were black and her eyes just as dark. Her presence alone was unsettling, it overshadowed that of the king's. It was the queen's power that had won the war, giving her the title of the blood queen. So many lives were lost to her hands, and they hung around her like the stink of death.

"Yækoyurüt mümejægisüstütyæk," Apollo and I greeted. "Rise." Queen Maya instructed. We both rose, our hands still laced together, which she quickly noticed. Apollo and I both rose to our feet under her command, "A couple?" She asked. Apollo answered first, "Yes, your majesty."

She smiled, "How sweet."

"I suspect you're students from Alluredry Prepatory Academy, the interns?" She asked. "Yes, your majesty." I said. "Is that all you know how to say?" I blushed, quieting myself. Apollo squeezed my hand in reassurance. "Well, girl?"

"My name is Audrey, Audrey Willow. And no, it's not, your majesty." I spoke clearly, firmly. The queen looked me over, "Willow? Are you Andres's girl?" I furrowed my brow, I hadn't heard my father's name in years. "I am." I breathed, "Eve, and Andres."

The queen's eyes grew serious, "Ah, I see. Your parents were excellent at their jobs. They gave their lives for it."

"You know what happened to them?" I asked, foolishly speaking out of turn. Apollo hushed me, but my transgression was noticed too quickly by the king who rose in anger, stepping towards me, "How dare you?" He shouted. I began to apologize, but the queen spoke first, "It's fine, my love." She said. The queen walked towards me, "I don't know what happened to them, but I can tell you about them." She offered. "That would be amazing, thank you." I said. She nodded, "I expect you'll work just as dutifully as they did."

I nodded. The queen looked towards Apollo, her eyes hardening, "Apollo James, you step before my throne again, boy?"

"It's always a pleasure to be back, my queen." He replied. "Don't spoil me with your flatteries, tütrütieküthæsrütoyusüs enünjügilül." She sneered. Apollo faltered. "I shall treat you no differently when you're on duty, but know when your tasks here are done you will be held in the same regard as criminals."

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