bonus chapter (senior year)

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School didn't get harder despite having the twins, if anything it got easier. We had to pull eight million strings but we got permission to live at Amity's manor, though we still had our rooms at the soro house. Rose was a firecracker and Lia was a cuddler, I held Lia against my front as I made up milk bottles. Rose playing in her high chair playing with Señor Gato, her black cat plushy.
She patted her tray gently, making a vocal noise before bouncing. Amity giggles when she walks in, kissing me. Lia pressed into me, pointing to her mouth, both of the twins suddenly saying "Mamá, Momma." Lia saying quietly, "hungy.." we both stare at them with wide eyes, Amity kneels next to Rose and kisses her forehead, "good girls! Look at you two saying your first words!" Amity cheered.

We both have been patiently waiting for this since we expected them to speak a LOT later, given they can already run.. It's the beast stuff that is making them develop faster.. we thought our twins were possessed when we woke up to see them crawling around us on the bed. Both girls can understand English and Spanish flawlessly which is why they always nod or shake their heads. We took them to the doctor just to figure out what was going on and turned out it was my Manticore gene that was making them so advanced, saying that he didn't doubt the girls being put in school early.

I kiss Lia's nose, murmuring, "I'm warming up your milk the fastest I can baby.. just a few minutes beautiful." She nods, resting her cheek on my chest. She enjoyed the sound of my voice, somehow it made her fall asleep or get really relaxed. I'd stopped my T injections because of it, I didn't mind anyway, I liked the voice I have.. it was feminine still, but not too masculine. It made my voice more a bass than a falsetto, not going to lie I sounded exactly like Lucia when she had that dark expression of hers. Amity held Lia as I brought out the bottles and tested the temperature on my wrist, "perfect.." I sung with a smile, taking Lia back.

"Lunch time for the babies~" I announced, both four month olds cheered with giggles, happily accepting their bottles. I nuzzled Lia's forehead, letting myself go full manticore to purr. She looked at me with innocent eyes and shook her head, head suddenly furring up. I let my eyes widen, shocked to see a russet brown manticore cub. The manticore spirit inside me purred in pride, proud. I chuckled, setting my forehead on Lia's, "awesome job honey.. I'm so proud of you!" Rose whines, turning into her own russet brown manticore to irritably claw at the tray, wanting to be a part of this. I purred loudly, letting Rose and Lia go to their city themed rug. They began jumping and pouncing around, playing happily with each other. I sat down on the corner of the rug, smiling. They crawled to me, laying in a cuddle puddle in my lap, continuing to play with each other. "Be gentle girls, your little stingers can hurt you and each other." They pause, looking at their tails... then Rose started crying. I lift her up, asking worriedly, "what's wrong honey? You're okay." She shook her small head, keeping her tail close to her body. "Aww baby.. do you not want to hurt your sister?" She nods, clinging to me as she sobs.

I frowned and sat her on my knee, "please get the Manti-Kit Amity. I think I need it." She nods, kissing me before exiting the room, returning with a large box. I pulled out a scalpel, file and a numbing agent, getting the towel from the bottom of the box. I set Rose's tail on the towel, injecting a bit of the numbing agent. I carefully with maximum precision cut the venom vein, she jumps just a little out of instinct and watches the towel stain with her venom. After gently filling down her stinger I repeat the process with Lia, saying happily, "all done! That wasn't so bad now was it girls? No boo-boos for your mamí's or the babies!" I say, nuzzling their cheeks.

Amity was on her phone, flicking at something on her phone. I stand up, putting her phone on the counter I pull her playfully off the counter and nuzzle her neck. She giggles, hugging my neck. I kissed her neck, purring against her skin.
Lia and Rose played as me and Amity embraced, my wings hugging around Amity. "Luuzz.. not in front of the girls-" she warned, I huffed slightly in irritation. Eda slammed into the manor, playfully of course, "where's my beautiful granddaughters??" Both girls squealed and ran to Eda, she stared wide eyed at my sweet cub formed babies, both girls becoming their natural human selves. "Well I'll be, you're very early bloomers you little dolls!" She then turned to me and Amity, winking, "me and Camilla are taking the girls off your hands for a week, we know you love them and don't mind their rowdiness but, you deserve a break."
I smile, "alright mamá, te amo. Have fun at Nana's girls, behave yourselves." They giggle and head upstairs slowly, returning down the stairs with their favorite plush. Rose didn't have hers, she was worriedly looking around, saying her third word, both the girl's speech development is quite impressive "m-mamá. Seño.." she whimpered, beginning to cry. I picked up Señor Gato and headed to her, gently picking rose up I hold her close so she can ride out her crying since she has her plushie now. "It's okay mi querida.. you've got Seño now." She whimpered quietly and rested against me, letting herself settle. Hugging them both close, Amity gives them her own hugs, waving as Eda drives off.

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