Chapter Fourteen.

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Our little girl, now just days or even hours from her due date, started giving us scares often by putting Amity through false labor.
Both of us are twenty now and so fucking tired of junior year because of the freshman's, just three seconds ago a freshman called Amity 'fucking idiotic' for being pregnant, until Amity quite angrily explained she only has one year of college left.

Safe to say if she hadn't spoken, I'd have killed the freshman girl.
But her scoff is what got me rolling, my voice, now more masculine said deeply "HEY! If you want to make your snarky, offensive comments then make them in your dorm, Freshman! You're lucky this pregnant Blight doesn't kick your ass for being a naive little girl! You're mad at her, then be mad at me too."

I got closer, voice practically growling "I am the papá of that amazing little girl you just insulted, pull your head out of your ass and grow up Freshmam."
She looks into my furious eyes and says with a scoff "my name is ril-"   "no, until you learn to be respectful I'm calling you Freshman.. because you're acting like one." Taking Amity in by the waist I say irritably "c'mon ames.. let's go somewhere we'll be happier."

I end up somewhere around the food court, Amity looks at my hardened, stiff face "hey, it's alright.." I feel my breath catch, "no, it's not alright.. that's my girls she just insulted, you and rose you are my life. I'd be a fool if I didn't stand up for my family."

Her small hand sets on my bicep, worry on her face "and you'd be lost if you held onto it.. I don't want mi amor to drown in one thought." I feel pain strike my expression, then smile gently.
"Ay, Amity mi hermosa amor, te amo.." she nuzzles my hand before kissing it's palm, "I love you too.."

Boscha hugged us both suddenly from behind after we'd gotten DQ chicken strips at the food court, boxes opened in front of us. "how are my best friends..?" She singsonged to us as she playfully kisses our cheeks, Amity mumbles a small chuckle while I leaned my head on the back of the couch.
"Tired.." we said simultaneously, Amity passed me a dollar fifty and said quietly 'jinx', Stuffing the money into my pocket I stand up and head to the vending machine. I was in deep thought, wondering if I'd be a good papá

I was halfway up the stairs with a cherry vanilla coke when Boscha burst into view, eyes wide and slightly frightened. "Amity's water just broke-"
Shoving the coke into Boscha I quickly apologize before heading upstairs, Mandarin hurriedly meows as I follow Amity's instructions on filling a bag with the necessary items, my anxiety was peaking and overflowing.
I was frightened, wondering if a teleportation glyph would harm rose. "She should be fine, Luz." Breathing in, then out I tap the glyph and focus on Kadlec hospital. Sighing almost exhaustedly I lead down then stand up to walk into the hospital, I try to keep composed as I explain Amity's water broke but my anxiety shows thick on my face.

While I was filling out paperwork a nurse lead Amity down the hallway to change into a gown and into a room, I set my face into my palm and sighed shakily. "First time father?"
I look up and say while looking to the side "first time mother slash parent.. I didn't know how anxious I'd be." She looks me up then down, mumbling a short 'ah I see' "well, if there's anything I know it's alright to be anxious, my husband just had our first child a half year ago before getting his bottom surgery.. I was running faster than a dog trying to finish my work and go see our son before he was born."

I smile nervously, taking the clipboard from me with a kind smile she points down the hallway and says quietly "delivery room two." Heading down the hallway, I peer into the room with a nervous expression before entering, Amity's already going through a lot of labor pains.
She looks at me and crumbles in relief "oh, Luz my love." She says desperately before carefully walking to me and hugging me, she intakes air and whimpers as her body stiffens, pain showing thick in her expression. Taking her to the bed I set her on it, she frowns knowing that that I'm telling her she should rest a moment.

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