Chapter Thirteen.

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I adjusted the suit on Lucia who mumbled something about Odalia not liking her because she looks like a crack thin drug addict. "Oh shush it Lucia.. you're going to be fine."
Looking in the mirror I adjust the collar of my shirt, I look into the side of mirror and connect eyes with.. Vee? Wait what Vee??

Swiftly turning around she hold open her turquoise suit and spins "like I'd miss an infamous Blight-Noceda dinner party, your teleportation glyphs are very handy."
She approached Lucia with a look of confusion, "now who is this devilish woman? My god-" she says teasingly as she straightens Lucia's bowtie, Lucia seems to stiffen "I'm um- not into incest???" She says nervously, sweat visibly rolling down her face.
Studying Lucia's face her eyes widen "how- no this isn't- this isn't possible." Her heart jumps into her throat midway to saying that Lucia must be a ghost, Lucia looks at me with worry as tears stream down Vee's face.

Mandarin meows loudly to all the clattering emotions, overwhelmed by by how loud it suddenly got.
"I.. I went missing Vee. None of the news articles with my name stated me dead." She approaches Vee slowly, Vee shakes her head in a panicked manner. "N-no."

Lucia continues to approach Vee who repeats no, it was almost ten seconds after she'd hugged Vee did Vee realize that Lucia was here.. alive.
Burying her face into Lucia's shoulder she lets her tears slide down her cheeks, unique basilisk eyes glistening. Lucia smiles gently at her, my stomach turns as I watch Mandarin cuddle up into Amity's sweater on the bed, my eyebrows upturn "um.. not to be rude, but.. can we go? I don't like being away from Amity for too long."

Vee chuckled softly, wiping leftover tears away "aww.. papá misses her babies." I scratch at the back of my neck, nervous and embarrassed all in one go.
"Yes and no.. I just. I'm pretty sure Amelia is going to think Lucia ditched if we don't leave right now." Vee seems to be shocked then realizes that if Lucia is here, Amelia is. I begin the walk to my car, Vee chuckles and points to the Alfa Romeo convertible "a present from Amity?" I nod and get into the driver's seat, not even saying a word.

The whole ride to the manor Lucia played puff, puff pass with my Juul, the car smelled like a pack of spearmint gum and new leather. I know it's irresponsible but, I did test the speed with the Alfa Romeo.. it's a sports edition car, like I wouldn't see how the car rides at high speeds.
The Noceda kids, acting like outlaws racing down the highway while laughing like idiots.
Easing back into the true speed limit I pull off the highway, you can see Blight manor, lit up with lights. Inputting the pincode I begin the drive up the long driveway, pulling up next to my- very injured car I whine in despair.

The garage is opened with the large rolling toolbox hanging half out, walking to the front doors I jump when it opens before I knock.
Taking Amity into my arms I carefully lift her up and do one spin, she laughs and sets her hand on my cheek. Lucia goes to kiss her girlfriend who compliments her with a smile, Vee talks to Emira who talks about how she's going to repair my car.
I quickly kiss Amity before announcing loudly "holy shit viney finally proposed!!-" she hold up her hand to display the diamond, a blush on her cheeks.

I hear a choke, "Goddamn- the Noceda kids walk in and appear like gay runway divas." Viran is staring intensely with a soft blush, since I'd skipped the cummerbund this time and put a purple tie in replace for it, I realize I look kinda classy.
Amity discreetly pouts, I turn to her and smile. She's not in a dress this go around, but actually in a pair of black slacks and one of those white sleeveless blouses that reveal the wearers cleavage, a thick strip of skin running nearly to the waistband of her slacks.
Running my hands from her biceps to hands I say in both a flattering and complimenting tone "mm.. now you look like such a dream. Absolutely stunning miss Blight." Pulling my head down to her level she kisses me, a small giggle escaping her.

Must Be Deja Vu (Lumity College AU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz