Chapter 14

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No one's POV:

Lately Cho has been tired, so very tired, and she's been trying hard to sleep but to no avail. She would either wake up because she heard something or heard kurogiri move and she would tense up out of instinct- which only made it harder to fall back asleep. The nomu wanted to warn Cho about Jacob to avoid him for a bit as he didn't like how he stared at her but he knew that saying anything could make her spiral again. Not to mention she'll probably have another nightmare. Those stupid nightmares!

Whilst Kurogiri didn't really need sleep nor did he feel tired, due to Cho's recents fits and panic attacks he has been feeling mentally drained. He can't let it show though, because the moment he does and she sees, she'll freak out and stay out of her headspace and it will likely not have a good affect on her. In fact kurogiri is begging her to stay in her little headspace, he doesn't care how little, as he has a very strong feelings the moment she becomes 'big' again she will shut herself off from everyone and everything.

He is scared.

A nomu is afraid...

"Cho...I know you want to be big and be a bit independent right now but can you please tell me why your avoiding everyone? Avoiding me?" He sounded almost desperate, he had only ever raised shigaraki and he was an open book if he was troubled or wanted something, Cho isn't and he's a bit puzzled on how to figure out what she needs to feel better.

"Do you want a pencil and paper or maybe the text to speech app?" She slowly spelt out the word 'app' using JSL, kurogiri brought out the old smartphone and handed it over to her. "Mama died around this time." He immediately understood and was silent for a minute. "Do you want to visit her?" The young girl's eyes shone with shock and excitement. "I can see her? I can really see her?" An emotionless robotic voice said, the nomu could easily hear her excited voice over it though. "Yes Cho, we can go visit you mama whenever you want. As long as it's not too often we still have stuff to do after all." He said with slight amusement in his boice. The girl let out a small squeal like sound and hugged him tight.

Unfortunately she quickly went back to be silent, she also felt a little more 'big' as the day progressed. She had so much to think about and plan! She was going to visit mama's grave, but she has to choose a day when father won't come and she has to think of what to say and what to bring! Cho quickly grabbed her notebooks and the purple crayola and began writing, albeit a bit messy, but she wrote as well as she could.

Plan for grave mama vist visit!

Day- day after (less chance of running into father)
Time- morning (less chance of running into father- probably drunk)
Tell her?- about new family! Learning about why people become villains and that not everyone is bad. Snitch on father. Plushies and their names!
Bring?- a stuffie to show? Maybe a snack for mama

o(`ω' )o

She sighed at the paper and fiddled with the crayola before standing up and picking up her Dino stuffie and venturing outside the room by herself to show kurogiri. He would be so proud of her for being brave and writing so well, especially considering she hasn't been to smiley lately. She waddled her way into the bar but didn't see Kurogiri, she looked in the kitchen then came back out and sat on the floor with the piece of paper forgotten beside her. She wasn't going to cry, she's a big girl!


Magne saw Cho walk in and out of the kitchen then disappear behind the counter which was then followed by a small sniffle. She had no problem with the young girl unlike shigaraki and actually felt bad for her at times. This was one of them. Kurogiri had to follow shigaraki to their 'sensei' and go on a short mission and it seems the nomu didn't quite have the time to tell the girl he had left. She sighed and left her booth, abandoning Toga, Dabi and compress to deal with each other as she carefully approached the young girl.

"What's wrong Cho?" Maybe asked the girl trying to be as gentle as possible. The girl in question looks up at her with red eyes, "Where papa?" She asks, not even realising what she said. Magne took a moment trying to find a nice way to put 'your parental figure is gone and I don't know how long for', "...well, you know how your papa serves the young master?" Cho nods and Magne sighs, knowing this will upset the girl no matter how nicely she says it. "Well, the two of them have gone on a surprise mission and he will be gone for awhile." She could see the despair in the young girls face so she quickly side stepped, "so! You can hang with big sis Magne until he gets back!" She says, not realising the weight of her words. She can barely take care of herself some days let alone a child who needs near constant attention. 'Then again', Magne thought to herself, 'she can act slightly older and she has been for the last day or two...' Magne was conflicted on how to feel but inhaled and took a moment before continuing.

"Do you think you can be a big girl for a little bit and do some things by yourself? I can help with some stuff but I won't always be with you since I have other things to do, is that okay?" Cho nods and uses her sleeve to wipe her nose before writing on the back of the paper with the blunt crayola, 'how big?' Magne was quite taken aback by the question. How big? Does she hate being older that much-why? When did she stop liking growing up- her father! Magne was trying her best to remember bits of Cho's past and at which age her father began abusing her. If she knew this then she could say a safe age for her to be in mentally. 'She's 15, started 6 years ago...she was 9. Maybe nine will be a safe age?' She thought to herself.

"How about 9? You can still do lots of things and rely on me but- do certain things by yourself. Okay? I can't change or feed you, but if your papa isn't home by tonight I promise I will tuck you in. Sound like a deal?" Cho nodded and held out her hand to shake, Magne smiled softly and shook the child's hand. "Now do you want to sit with me, get a snack or head back to your room?" The villianess asked trying to be gentle but knowing she needed to get back to toga and spinner before they hurt or killed each other. "" she mumbled, Magne damn near missed it with all the squeaking and screeching going on behind her.

"Okay, you go get yourself a snack then you can come sit with me and the others. I'll try and shield you from them slightly. Sound alright?" Cho nods then hands the paper to Magne and taps the counter. The villainess quickly understood and placed the paper on the counter but out of the way so it won't be ruined, then watched as Cho rushed off into the kitchen for a snack. "Kids..." she sighs almost fondly, quickly coughing to remind herself not to be soft, and she returns to her booth where thankfully Toga and Spinner were still in one piece. Minus one or two scratches.

Word count: 1327

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