Chapter 13

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No one's POV:

It's been a couple days since the last incident with Cho and everything is going swimmingly, all except for one tiny little detail that 'Jacob' forgot. His month is up today and he needs to go back to the station to get it fixed again for the next month. 

He said goodbye to everyone at the bar and promised to be back before it got dark. He quickly set off on the roofs to make his way to the police station as quickly as possible.

Along the way he heard someone, their voice sounded familiar. He flattened himself into the roof and peered down at the events unfolding down below. It was Dabi and Cho. Cho was sat on a closed dumpster lid and was casually swinging her legs back and forth, holding her dinosaur teddy close, whilst Dabi was fighting off two dudes. He had set one of them on fire and they were running about screaming whilst Dabi dealt with the other guy.

Cho let out a small whine, the smell was making her nauseous and seeing people hurt made her a little scared. Dabi clearly heard the whine because he turned around, holding the man by his collar and punching him as he watched her open her arms for him to collect her. He sighed and let his flames engulf the man before he walks back to the child and hugs her close. "Come on kid, let's get this over with."

Dabi didn't want to be here, in fact Dabi should still be asleep considering it is 11:30 in the morning on a Friday. He believes that Fridays he should sleep as late as possible, since he goes out many weekends to drink and party or to get out and get laid- according to him there's not a single soul who's in any form attractive that frequents the bar or visits the bar on it's open days. Magne especially teases him about this, calling him picky and says he has high standards for a street rat. So sue him if he does. Instead, he's out taking the kid to the park for some ice cream and a couple things she needs. Kurogiri would take her but he is currently dealing with shigaraki, the big boss and the left overs of open night, so he couldn't exactly make time.

But he had promised her and he couldn't break a promise to a child who has been hurt and lied to so many times; so he asked around, turns out the only person available happened to be the pyromaniac. At least she was comfortable with him. Kurogiri did threaten him with a copious amount of bodily harm and dismemberment if she came back injured. Dabi shuddered at the thought.

They quickly left the alley with the burnt remains of whatever street rats decided today was the day and went on with their little walk like a murder didn't just occur. "You know kid, you should be more...what's the word- reserved? About things like murder happening in front of you." Cho shrugged and Dabi handed her his phone so she could use the text to speech app he totally did not download in secret. "Over time you get used to it." He didn't like the sound of that, whilst she looked 9 he knew she was 15 and being used to it at this age doesn't sit right with him; it hit a little too close to home for his liking. "So uh what happened, did it take a long time before you were used to it?" He asked, hoping for a bit of information. Anything, something to lead him to whatever piece of shit raised her. "Mommy was nice. Father wasn't. He didn't want a girl. He ignored me for a long time but then mommy went to 'heaven' and father got angry a lot and I was there. Only started 6 year before. I was bad so I got punished."

Dabi could feel his flames licking at his clothes as he clenched his hands shut. "Nah, he was just an asshole. Don't repeat that, especially in front of 'giri I'll get in trouble for teaching you that." The pyromaniac says in a slight panic. Cho shrugged again, "father has said and called me worse" then shrugged again once the robotic voice stopped. Dabi sighed, he could feel every protective instinct within him well up and keep her close. "Look, no one should talk to you like that. Ever. And if they do you have to tell someone immediately." Cho tilted her head as if to say 'why?'. "Whoever talks to a kid like that or a woman like that is a really bad person and deserve to be....." he made eye contact with those dark blue eyes and he faltered slightly, making sure to change his wording slightly, "they should be punished and taught never to do that again." She hums and nods in agreement.

Aizawa wanted to understand what he just heard and witnessed; murder and affection? If he hadn't just seen that he wouldn't believe that he just saw the villain who went for his entire class during the camp is capable of being so careful and caring towards someone. He needed to get his disguise sorted out at the police station and tell everything to the detective and see where to go from there. Is he going to stay or is he going to be removed or...removed and take the younger villains away with him. Aizawa wanted to understand what he just heard and witnessed.

He decided to follow them to find out where the were going for now then once they arrived he left for the station. "This isn't a lot but it seems that everyone is there willingly and so far no crimes have been committed whilst you've been with them?" Tsukauchi says whilst rubbing the bridge of his nose. Aizawa grunts out an affirmative sound and the detective sighs. "For now go back, watch them for awhile longer. Find a chance to be alone with the youngest and when you do try and bring her back with you. We need to try and find out her story- considering what you've said she doesn't talk much and sticks to this 'Kurogiri' person like glue. For all we know they could be manipulating her or forcing her to stay with him because she'll run away when she gets the chance." Aizawa hums, maybe he's spent too much time alongside the villains but it didn't seem that way to him- but an order is an order.

The disguise of 'Jacob' is reapplied and he heads back to the league, he took a lot of back alley routes to make it look like he didn't just come from the police station. Just as promised he was back before it got dark, specifically just as the sun was starting to set. Mr compress welcomed him back and ushered him over to sit and converse about something. 'Jacob' however was more focused on the small figure that was sleeping in a makeshift baby sling on the nomu's back whilst Magne gushed about the supposed trip to the park and the fact that Dabi was sweet enough to get her some ice cream. Turns out she's never had ice cream and the smile he got in return blinded him- Magne laughed about how she has him wrapped around her little fingers.

Though, as quickly as he began staring and listening to their conversation he stopped and joined in with compress and spinner's conversation like everything was normal. Kurogiri noticed the man staring, however subtle he thought he was being it wasn't enough for this well trained nomu who was made to ensure that no one could harm the young master. Jacob had the eyes of someone who wanted something and it unnerved the nomu that he had eyes on Cho.

 Jacob had the eyes of someone who wanted something and it unnerved the nomu that he had eyes on Cho

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(Dino plush)

Word count: 1332

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