Chapter 4

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Dabi's POV:

I was talking quietly with Magne, both of us were nursing a hangover when muscular threw someone into the middle of the bar. At first I didn't recognise who it was but quickly it became clear that the person he threw was Kurogiri's new charge. He's gonna be pissed when he sees this.

She must of hit the ground pretty hard because her arm was hanging limply by her side, the other arm clutching her shoulder as she cried. No, wailed, she wailed. That's the most noise I've heard her make, she never made a sound even when the boss tried to kill her or when she saw my flames.

Oh, Kurogiri is going to kill him.

A rancid smell soon filled the room and it was obvious where it was coming from. The wailing child of course. The boss and muscular were now fighting. The boss because the crying made him mess up and he wanted to know why he was throwing about one of Kurogiri's 'party member's. Yada yada. You get the point.

"Oh that poor little thing. She's sitting in her own mess whilst injured." Magne says, already standing up and ready to help. I personally didn't want to get involved with the kid but even my big brother instincts are yelling at me.

I groan and stand up as well, we make our way over to the kid and see the damage. Pissed herself, red eyes from crying, possible brake or dislocation. "Dislocation?" I ask looking at Magne, she nods and wipes away some of the kids tears even though she's still crying her heart out. "Hold her still whilst I set it in place. Keep her still until I come back with some bandages." I nod and get behind the kid, narrowly avoiding the piss.

The scream that left her when Magne set her shoulder was horrible. The room was silent apart from her crying. Magne quickly got up and found the first aid kit. "Take off her shirt and shelter her from those pervs." She says pointing at muscular, spinner and twice. She didn't mean anything by it (definitely was insulting muscular tho. No one likes him) but they were the only men in the room at the moment apart from me and I'm helping.

Though it wasn't hard to hide her considering how small she was, she was basically the size of a 9 year old. Whoever was feeding her was not doing a good job. Magne quickly wrapped her shoulder up then put her shirt back on, then made a small sling for her to rest her arm. "That's the best I can do." I nod and move away from the kid.

"So what about the piss?" I ask, Magne hits the back of my head and sighs. "What? It stinks!" I say defensively. Magne was about to say something but quickly stopped and looked down, I followed her gaze and saw the kid trying to clean up her piss with her shirt. "Oh for the love of-here." I pick the kid up and move her to the public bathroom area.

I didn't think this far ahead....

Kurogiri's POV:

When I got back the young master was in a bad mood but it seemed to improve after I served him a drink. That's when I noticed Magne cleaning up something off the floor. "I will finish this up." I say grabbing the bucket and mop. She simply takes it from me and places a hand on her hip. "I would be more concerned about the kid who made this mess. Muscular did a number on her arm so I bandaged it up and Dabi is trying to help her in the public bathroom but I honestly don't think he has a clue what he's doing." I hum and walk over to the area Magne said then knocked on the door.

"Dabi, Cho, are you here?"

"Yeah! Come in!" Dabi yells from inside. I enter the room and see little cho's arm in a sling and her lower half is wet through. She really will need a bath now. "Thank you for what you have done but I will take it from here. There is a drink for you on the bar already, non-alcoholic and should help with that headache." He grins and gives me a thumbs up before he leaves.

"How about a nice warm bath?" Cho looked a little nervous at the mention of a bath. "How about a bubble bath?" She seemed more interested now. I pick her up and bring her to my room, although I don't have a fully solid body I do like to try and keep clean, so I do have all the bathroom necessities.

"Before I run the bath I must ask. Are you alright with me undressing you and bathing you?" She stares at me for awhile then nods. I do wonder what she thinks about in that little head of hers. I start to run some warm and cold water in the bath to get a nice temperature then begin undressing her. She went still then frigid, I paused and asked again if it was okay for me to undress her. She gave me a stiff nod in response.

When I finally get her undressed she quickly scrambles into the bath, nearly falling over in the process. It became clearer than before why she's so skittish, her shoulders were full of cigarette burns and her back had purple welts that look like they're from a belt. If I ever have the displeasure of meeting the person who did this, I will separate their head from their body with my portals.

"Is the temperature nice?" I ask Cho, she nods and makes gentle splashes in the water whilst playing with the bubbles. "Good. Close your eyes for a second so I can wet your hair." She hums and closes her eyes like asked.

Washing her turned out to be the easy part, getting her out of the bath that was becoming lukewarm was the problem. "How about this, I'll show you one of your presents early if you hop out of the bath." It was as if I could see her internal debate before she eventually decided to exit the bath. I quickly dry her off and wrap her up in the towel before putting her on the bed. "Well first off, clothes. I got you a couple choices to start off with."

Cho gently touched the fabric as if it would crumble if she gripped too tightly. "Which one do you want to wear?" There was a purple cartoon dinosaur shirt with matching shorts and a light blue outfit with cinnamon roll on the shirt. It took her a minute but she eventually landed on the light purple dinosaur shirt so I placed the other into the dresser then turned back around to help dress her.

"Now let's get you something to eat."

Word count: 1167

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