Chapter 10

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No one's POV:

Kurogiri returned to the bar to serve the remaining patrons, although many of them were no longer focused on drinking or the misty figure but something else entirely. He either didn't notice or didn't care and was too focused on serving customers to notice all the staring and the mysterious addition that's currently attached to his chest wasn't really helping the patrons drunken curiosity. Cho was nearly asleep and was grateful to hear misty's heart beat again, it was calm and rhythmic and easily helped her to fall asleep, even if the room she was in was a little too loud. She just found herself peacefully drifting off.

"What was that about?" Dabi asks, his slurred words making it obvious he was drunk. Magne shrugs but quickly spots a slightly guilty looking Jacob sauntering his way over to their booth. "I think I somehow scared her?" He says both upset and confused as he sits down, he rests his face in both hands and sighs. "What happened? Walk us through what happened." Compress said, obviously feeling a little sorry for the poor sod. They found out the hard way, from muscular, what happens if you make an enemy of Cho. You make an enemy of her, you make an enemy of Kurogiri. "So I carried her back like you asked then when I got to the room I asked if she wanted me to put her down or walk her in. She asked me to put her down and she shut the door behind her. I go put away my one of the weapons I had on my because I realised I don't really need them right now then all of a sudden everything went black and I heard people screaming along with someone running to her."

Magne hums and Toga skips over with blood all over her shirt and some on her face. Being the mother hen Magne is, she tries to wipe off the blood from the young girls face before she continues the conversation. "It's likely she either had a panic attack or a nightmare. She's had quite of few of them, especially when she hears loud or sudden noises or alcohol is brought up." Jacob tilts his head and Magne sighs, she doesn't know a lot and she doesn't want to pry and upset the small thing. "She doesn't like loud noises 'cause of the USJ, the Nomu scared her. Plus she said that she got yelled at a lot." Toga says happily as if it was nothing.

"You spoke with her?" Jacob asked, even Magne was a little surprised because she never saw the two of them alone together. "Yeah, one time when Kurogiri was feeding her someone wanted a drink so he asked me if I could watch her for a minute and I did! Also we didn't really speak but it was whispering with bits of sign language. She's very scared of people and the fact they might hurt her." Toga said in a tone that made it seem as if this was obvious information. "What?" Toga whips her head around confused, "Didn't everyone know this?" Magne sighed and shook her head. Toga's only response was a quiet 'oh'.

Magne stands up and holds out her hand for Toga which the young girl gladly takes. "I do believe it's time for you to go to sleep, after washing off the blood and giving me that outfit to wash." She says in almost a motherly tone. Toga looks a little dejected but follows along anyways. "Uhh..." Compress also stands up and picks Dabi up, carrying the drunken sod military style back to his room, leaving a very confused Jacob behind in the bar.


The next morning Jacob awoke in the booth, he groaned as he sat up, all his bones cracking in the right places. "When did I-?" He says to himself. "Around 4:26 am." Kurogiri's voice made him startle slightly. "No I do not sleep and yes I have been here all night. You looked slightly confused so I thought it would be best to clarify." Jacob nods and ruffles his hair to try and make it look semi-normal. When he stared at the duo again he noticed that Cho's clothes had changed and she was in something that looked much warmer. In fact it was also something much brighter and felt almost blinding to Jacob, who basically lived in the dark. It was a fluffy pikachu onesie.

He groaned and laid back down, even though he knew he wouldn't fall back asleep maybe he could fake it and find out some new information. After all he's three days in and knows the location, names/alias, and the status of the teens.

It took another hour before anyone wandered into the bar, a sudden squeal makes him groan but quickly makes it look as if he's rolling over. "Toga, hush, let's be a little quieter so Jacob and twice can sleep." It was Magne, he quickly registered, along with the fact that another member of the league had fallen asleep in one of the booths as well. "But Magne look! She's wearing the pikachu onesie I got her!" Magne couldn't help but chuckle, both at the sight of toga's excitement and the cute visual of Cho asleep in a bright yellow onesie that easily clashed with her green hair and make her look like a flower. "Yes, it is quite a sight. Now, shall we get something to eat or are we waiting for the others to turn up before we eat?"

"I suggest waiting as I will be debriefing half of the league to go on a recon mission along with meeting a potential ally." Kurogiri states calmly. Magne hums and walks beside the counter to enter the kitchen. "I know you had a busy night last night so take a minute for yourself or your kid whilst I make something simple for all of us. Okay?" Kurogiri quickly falters and tries to rush over to Magne, it was his job to care for the young master, his team and Cho. Unfortunately for him, Magne got through the door and Toga pulled his sleeve and guided him to a seat before sitting down next to him.

The teen spoke to Kurogiri for a couple minutes before entertaining herself by poking Cho's face. The sleeping little, in return, ended up grabbing onto her hand. When toga tried to move her hand away, she was pulled closer, hell Cho even ended up suckling on one of her fingers in her sleep. Toga was stuck and didn't want to wake her. Kurogiri had no clue what he was doing, how he got into this situation or how to remove Toga's finger without waking up or upsetting Cho.

Soon enough Magne re-emerged from the kitchen with food in both hands, Toga gently removed herself to go help but in the process woke up Cho. She whines at the sudden loss of what she thought was either her thumb or her paci, but quickly became quiet at the promise of a warm bottle of milk with a bit of honey and cinnamon in it. "I can't believe you went as low as to bribing a child with food kurogiri." Magne tutted as if disappointed with the nomu but they all knew she was joking about. He simply shrugs, "it works plus, she doesn't seem to complain when I feed her." He stood up and walked to the kitchen, Magne followed begin and stood in the doorway of the kitchen to continue talking with him. It was loud enough for Jacob to hear the second half of their conversation.

"Honestly though Kuro, within a month and a half you've managed to get her to eat and drink and even open up to us sometimes. When she first got here she couldn't even eat two small meals, now she's eating a full meal, a snack and two bottles. I'd be hella proud of myself if Cho was my kid." Magne gushed, Kurogiri only hummed I'm response. He didn't realise they had made progress already. Things haveot been moving a little fast in the league so he supposes that he could've missed a couple things. "I..I am proud of her." He said softly, as if unsure of himself, whilst looking down at Cho who happily laid in his arms as she suckled the last drops of milk out of the bottle.

A/n: it's probs not been long since I updated but it feels like forever to me! I have a lot going on rn, I'm doing a forensics course for college and I'm loving it, not loving all the assignments tho. I'm also on break rn so I had some free time, not only did I write this chapter but I made a shark plushie. It's not for me but the dog, I realised that there was a dog equivalent of cat nip and took my chance. Let's just say he was very happy and didn't want to let go. Here's a pic of the shark,

It's not very big but omg, I couldn't tell the difference between my dogs pupil and his actual eye colour XD

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It's not very big but omg, I couldn't tell the difference between my dogs pupil and his actual eye colour XD. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and continue to read, leave comments and likes so I know you like this! Bye for now :)

Word count: 1572

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