Neliono, in contrary, is a bit more speech able and not so harsh. Even if it seems more like he doesn't do it because he likes to do it ... more like he's speaking for them both."

He looks dreamy at the wall in front of him. There is silent. Not a comfortable or uncomfortable one. More a through-full one. Everybody must process the saying at first, Leonardo speaks up again. 

 "It's strange ... they're the opposite from the past." - Alijo tenses a bit and looks up from his phone for the first time.

"But Neliana and Neliono were always happy and carefree. What happened? They didn't show one single emotion?" - Angolo says. It's more a confused mumble to himself than a real question, so nobody answers him, only Alessandro shakes his head. "And what about Nelione? Am I stupid and overhear the infos from him or did you not tell something about him?" Angolo is like Riccardo. More cared and concerned about our younger siblings.

Alessandro opens his mouth but closes it again. Even if he doesn't show it, he is concerned too. Where is Nelione? And the fact that he actually wanted to ask them at dinner and exactly at the moment the song started. Distraction. Like they don't want them to ask the question about Nelione ... what happened? Where is he? Maybe if it seems that everybody just think about Neliana, but they care about everybody. Neliana is just the only and first girl in generations so it's for everybody a different situation while acting with her. Now he is even more curious about the answer as before.

"Sandro ... over what are you thinking that much? It looks like you solve the most difficult calculation." - Francesco interrupts.

"The prank. It was a distraction. I was about to ask the question where Nelione is because the social worker at their school said she doesn't know anything about a Nelione. He is even not in the databank. Like he just disappeared. We think the only ones with the answer, are Neliana and Neliono and we wanted to wait for dinner. But then I was distracting from the prank which happened exactly at this time. That cannot be coincidence. Not again. There were too many include the Nes. Like the one with the translation app and the other prank." - Alessandro realizes it and suddenly the puzzle is put together.

"You're right. That fits too much for coincidence." - Leonardo agrees.

"I don't look through. What was with the translation app?" - Lorenzo is not the only one confused. Everybody doesn't understand it. Except of Alessandro and Leonardo, of course.

"Maybe you both want to start at the beginning, so we're at the same high." - Ernesto suggests.

Alessandro takes a deep breath before he starts.

" ... Yes. And now we're here."

He finishes his little 'monolog' and different reaction are noticeable.





"Wow, that ... was not what I expected. But you both are right. There were too many coincidences and strange actions. And the behavior is not okay. That's something we must changed." - Ernesto states.

"You're right but I think they couldn't care less about it. At least that's what it seems like after your telling." - Angolo adds. "And also, we must keep an eye on their actions and health. Don't forget that every behavior has a reason."

"Maybe ... but they are also teenagers so we must be consequent. Above all we don't know how they were being raised, wherever they were." - Lorenzo mumbles the last part barely audible but because of the still silent in the room everybody heard it. 

"Mh, it sounds easier than it will be. You don't experience them ... " - Alessandro sounds almost desperate. "I want to remember on the action in the car between Leo and Neliana and as I said them to sit down for eating. Neliana looked like she doesn't even think about doing it. They changed a few sentences in their language and only then she does it. But I'm sure not because of my ordered voice."

"Casually asked, what did Neliana said to Leo? Could you both translate it?" - Francesco asks curiously. But a look at Leo' face is enough to tell them all in which direction the speaking went. "Ohhh I see. Now you must tell. Was it that bad?"

Both Alessandro and Leonardo don't look like to be able to repeat what they said, so Leo takes without one more word his phone out of his pocket and plays the said scene unwillingly. Slightly embarrassed by it. "It cannot be that bad." - Elijah says and claps Leo' back.  

"Now would has been the perfect moment for your translation app ... tz ... but luckily you have here 4 cameras with ton so later you'll be able to listen to my beautiful words for you."

The audible ends and the silent starts. Nobody moves. Like everybody is in shock. The first hearable thing is a loud noise of footsteps and a curse. 

"Okay, it is bad ..." 

"What the actually fuck?!" - Ernesto says in - it's not shock because it was unexpected more like he didn't thought about their behavior being so bad. But he wouldn't be Ernesto if he doesn't see a challenge in it. So he just replies with - "No worry. We all will help you likely. Speaking of it, when should everybody co-."

He was interrupt by a phone ring. Alessandro's phone. "Speak."

"Where are the triplets?" Alessandro froze by hearing the voice of his father. The man who disappeared 10 years ago after the dead of their mother.

"Home." - Alessandro replies cold. He is angry at him for give up on them only because he was hurt. They all were hurt, but at least tried to be as strong as possible for his siblings.

"Why didn't you tell me? They are my fucking children." - Stefano says a bit too harsh. He hit a wound point from Alessandro.

"Why don't I fucking tell you? Maybe because you didn't care the last 10 years about any of us. We were hurt and additionally young too and despite it we tried to be strong. Strong for your other children, by the way. So don't dare you to accuse me or one of my brothers if you are the guilty one." - Alessandro almost screams which happens like never. But at the moment all his nerves are maxed out.

For a little moment silence is noticeable on the other side. 

"Sandro. I'm sorry. I didn't want to give up on you. Never ever. But- But it was too much and every time I came back at home, I saw y'all, trying your best to process the happening but ... I saw you all failed, and it broke my heart even more. I know that it isn't an excuse for my behave, but I want to even try to be there for y'all again. Please. Please give me a second chance." - Stefano almost mumble the last part but it was loud enough to be heard. Alessandro was shocked and the others too - They could listen because the phone was on speaker. - Their father/uncle never apologized. He's the ex-don of the Italian and American mafia, so his apologize is real ... but nevertheless everybody also know that the past cannot be completely forgotten so suddenly only because of an apology. 

It takes a bit before Alessandro replies. "Ok. Be at our house on Saturday in 4 days. I think it's time to repeat the mouth family meeting."

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