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Leone stayed still and didn't move. The place where the man's tender lips had kissed burned pleasantly, and without realizing it,  found himself touching.

As he regained his composure, he noticed that Sean's car was still present. Sean waved goodbye and Leone responded with a robotic wave before getting into his own car and signaling his driver to proceed.

Sean waited until Leone's car left and then headed home. He wondered if he had surprised the other. Sean touched his lips, remembering the soft supple skin of the person, still feeling a tingling sensation.

"Oh, man... I don't know what just came over me...? " On a sudden impulse, he kissed Leone, his body acting on its own accord towards the younger man. Before he could register what he was doing, his lips had already landed on Leone's cheek.

"no regrets" He was still holding onto the feeling of warmth from the embrace of the younger man. "Leone, you are making me feel emotions that I never knew existed in me ", He had one hand placed over his heart."I think I'm in love with you, little lion", His voice was barely audible, almost like a whisper.

"What should I do if Leone refuses to meet with me?"  he immediately dispersed the negative thought.

"I should continue to pursue him and win his heart... 
Lil lion, I'm going to make you all mine." He had a smile on his face.




Leone was in deep thought all the way home, and even after reaching his abode, two questions continue to pester his mind. Passively ignoring Song and Wen's curios tattle and went to his room. He automatedly undressed, took a bath, got into his pajamas, and lay on the bed.

Why did he kiss me?

Why did he call me li'l lion?

The second question baffled his thoughts more than the first. His memories are back?... Leone dismissed the thought. I don't think so... if that was the case, Zhan ge would have behaved differently. I need to find out to be certain.

His thoughts drifted towards the evening. He had trained over the years to control his emotions, never showing his true feelings. Because somebody may take advantage of them. 

He just wanted to spend some time with Zhan ge, in the limited time he is here in China. But being with this man, he couldn't help but draw closer. He could not bare to see him hurt. Today when he saw the man crying, his body moved on its own to envelop the other and wipe away all those precious tears.

Leone touched his cheek, "I want to be with him...  Am I becoming too greedy?... " Suppressing those thoughts, he tried to sleep.

<Leon's dream>

"Lil lion, won't you talk to me today too... " pleading puppy dog eyes "Let's be friends, okay?"

Shaking his head, without looking up "Don't want to..."

"Why?.... Am I not cute?" Showing his bunny teeth. "look at me ... please..."





Leone mumbled in his sleep "Zhan ge, I missed you so much".

Loveless 'solitaire' {YiZhan FF}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz