Chapter 4: Joey vs Mai

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Joey 2000 LP/Mai 2000 LP

Joey started, drawing his card. "So to start the game off: Masaki, the Legendary Swordman! The field power bonus will add 330 points to his total!"
A samurai in green and blue armor took to the field, ending the first turn.

Masaki, the Legendary Warrior
1430 ATK/1430 DEF

Joey 2000 LP/Mai 2000 LP

"Hey, I made my first move." Mai only started to laugh, oddly enough putting the cards in her hand face down in front of her. "What do you think you're doing?"
"Divining my card." Mai answered. "I have to mystically choose which one of them is the best."
"Huh?! What are you, a psychic?!"
Mai did not answer, dragging her finger over her cards. "And the best card would, the Harpy Lady!" Sure enough, the monster she summoned was indeed that monster. "Her strength is boosted by the mountain field power bonus."

Harpy Lady
1690 ATK/ 1820 DEF

Joey gritted his teeth. "I'll still take it on! Attack!"
"Joey, stop!" Yugi tried to warn. "Land monsters are at a disadvantage to flying monsters! Monsters that can fly have a resistance to those land bound, meaning Masaki won't have the field power bonus."
Sure enough, Harpy Lady took to the sky and destroyed Masaki.
"So Joey already blew it?" Tea asked.
"The duel only just started." Rain interjected. "However, he needs to think before he attacks."
Mai ended with a facedown, again without looking.

Joey 1410 LP/Mai 2000 LP

Joey was frazzled by her tactics. "How's she doing that?"
"He's losing it!" Tristan said. "Guess he wasn't ready."
Rain elbowed him in the gut. "What did I say? A duel's not over until someone's lifepoints reach 0. Still..."
"Joey!" Yugi called out. "Think about what you're doing before you act!"
Rather than answer back, Joey set Tiger Axe in attack mode.

Tiger Axe
1690 ATK/1430 DEF

"With the field power bonus, he can take Harpy Lady on, head to head!"
"The power bonus isn't going to help you!" Rain yelled to remind him. "It won't apply against a flying monster!"
To prove her point, Harpy Lady sliced up the feline warrior, dropping Joey's lifepoints further.
"Her tactics are rattling him." (Y/N) said.
Rain gritted her teeth. "I know. If he doesn't clear his head soon then-,"
"He'll have to figure out her method. I highly doubt this woman is a psychic like she claims."
"Do you know how she's doing it?"
The spirit only smiled back at her. "I'm sure you're smart enough to figure it out yourself."
Before the girl could retort, she suddenly smelled something strong and sneezed.
"Bless you." Tea said.

Joey 1020 LP/Mai 2000

"It will take a stronger monster than your land-based wimps to beat my Harpy Lady." Mai taunted. "Now I'll play this card, without looking. I'll give you a hint: it's an Equip card that will help me defeat your next card."

Joey 1020 LP/Mai 2000

"Again with all that Psychic stuff!?" Joey yelled, drawing before setting a monster face down and ending his turn.

Joey 1020 LP/Mai 2000

"Running scared?" Mai mocked. "Well, let me show you my surprise." Mai flipped her equip card. "Cyber Shield, to boost my Harpy Lady."
Cybernetic armor appeared on the monster, boosting its attack up to 2190 and its defense to 2320, easily letting it crush the facedown, Kojikocy.

1950 ATK/1560 DEF

"Just how is she doing that!?" Joey growled.
As Mai continued to mock and bait Joey and Yugi tried to keep Joey calm, Rain thought about it. Mai had to be using a trick as a means of messing with her opponent's heads, and (Y/N) was not being much help, so just what was she doing? Again, a strong scent hit her, making her sneeze, this time a number of times and even catching Joey's attention.
"You good, Rain? Not coming down with something, are ya?"
"I'm fine!" She insisted, before sneezing again. "Just focus on the duel!"
Yugi looked at her worriedly. "Are you sure? Maybe you're allergic to something?"
"No, I'm not allergic to anything, except maybe per-," The lightbulb went off in her head. "OH!"
(Y/N) reappeared, looking quite pleased. "Now you see it."
Mai glared down at them annoyed. "Hey, can you stay out of it! Brainless cheerleading isn't going to help him against the superior power of my Harpy Lady. Don't you guys get it yet? Friendships doesn't win duels, never will. It hasn't helped him."
Rain glared back up at her before smirking. "Of course someone who doesn't have friends would cling to such a pathetic view. Someone with a poor spirit like yours can't handle the idea."
"What did you say, brat!?"
"I said your spirit is weak! Why don't you clean your ears?"
Even with Rain antagonizing Mai, Joey was still rattled to the core. Beside her, there was a flash of light as the spirit of the puzzle took over.
"Don't listen to her, Joey!" He said. "We're here to help you, just like you've always been there for us."
That seemed to finally get through to him.
Rain shut her eyes. "(Y/N)?"
The spirit nodded. "Let me take over."
Opening her eyes, (Y/N) was now in control.
"Joey, listen to him. Mai is using cheap tricks to confuse you. It's a tactic that has endured for centuries, but you need to calm down and think it through. If you don't, the answer could be right under your nose and you'd still miss it."
"Subtle, (Y/N)." Rain mocked.
Joey seemed to understand what she was getting at, and though Mai tried to throw him off again, Joey didn't take the bait. As the male thought through the problem, 'Yugi' side eyed (Y/N).
"'Under your nose?' So you've also noticed?"
Considering the look he was giving her, (Y/N) knew he noticed the switch. Still, despite this, she felt completely calm next to him, almost serene. Still, she kept up the act, smirking.
"This is hardly a trick unique to her. Though I suppose it helps when your own nose tips you off."
The other spirit half chuckled as Joey seemed to have reached the same conclusion.

The Pharaoh and the Wayfarer (Atem/Yami Yugi x Spirit! Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن