"Little girl?" suddenly came from Mingi.
Since Y/n knew something was up that means the other side does too, It was better to save some time before hopefully the others come.

" It was Jihoon's kid. I don't know how she even got under the table that night" Songil hit the gravestone out of frustration.

"Yo chill what did she even do to you!" Mingi said. Even for a gravestone he had more respect than his so called father.

"She is dead Mingi, god. You should've gotten over it by now. And don't blame me" Songil put his hands on his chest. "If it wasn't for that pissy child, Jihoon wouldn't come looking for her and he wouldn't catch me with his wife's bloody corpse in my hand, but rather I'd have the time to hide it and everything would have gone smoothly" said that as he was coming towards his son.
"We would all be happy and alive, Mingi"
That was it, he finally crossed it

"Oh stop it, with that bullshit, I'm not seven anymore. Christ dad, you killed mom, you can justify yourself all you want, yeah whatever blame the little kid for being under the table, but at the end of the day you chose to kill her. Every vowel you took for her, what, was it just a lie. And people say I'm twisted, look at you. Killing your own wife for what for your ginormous grid. You would stay up every night writing poetry before any kind of anniversary, for fuck's sake-"

"No Mingi look you've-" but it was to late for Songil to say anything, nothing could reach Mingi anymore.

"Shut up! Fuck! What are you trying to say, huh? That you didn't do it? That a flying rock hit her out of nowhere? What, huh? What?! You do remember that I was there and I do remember everything! Did you feel anything when you did that? Did you like the feeling of her blood in your hands? Fuck! Did you even love her? " Mingi yelled as if he never had done before. His bottled up jar finally exploded. Every thought, every bad memory every emotion, everything bottled up in the past 20 years was finally let out. No more turning back, this was it. This was what his child wanted to say in so many years, and he finally did.

"I did fucking love her, Mingi, I did. She was my Persephone, my only Persephone. I fucked up. After she found out about Jihoon's wife she wanted to leave me, I guess you don't remember this part." Songil eyes met Mingi's that were filled with nothingness.

" We got into a fight, and I knew I couldn't change her mind but the thought of her leaving my life was unbearable. I wasn't thinking, I don't even remember what happened, It just did. I only remember her lifeless body in my hand and you across the room. I couldn't turn back in time nor could I bring her back to life. What I could do was only to forget her, so I did"
It felt weird something this sentimental would come out of Songil's mouth. But although everything he said was coming from a vulnerable place, it didn't change anything. He was still going to kill his son. There was no denying it.

"But you know son, things happen and you got to forget them, since the past is the past. But the present, that's where we should focus. Nowadays the people that are the closest to you, must you be focused more. They're close to you for a reason." Songil stopped. The whole vibe had totally changed.

From his spot he started coming towards Mingi closer and closer, until they're shoes touched. His face was so close, you could see his eyes' veins. His dark brown eyes were looking like they were analyzing Mingi's soul. Maybe because he was an inch taller than Mingi, it made him scarier and bigger but no. His overall aura had somewhat changed, you couldn't see it but the feeling it gave would make you believe, you could see it.
It was dark and ominous, like a house full of vultures.
Not so intimidating for Mingi on the other hand. The anger that he was withholding was bigger than an up closed Songil, for now he could only wait and be patient, at the end of the day the cliff was right there and Songil was unarmed.

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