Chapter 1

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The waves chattered rhythmically as they crept towards my tanned feet that were buried in the wet sand just a few feet away from the salty waters. The ambient humming of the ocean filled the still atmosphere sending shivers of calmness down my spine. I watched as the twilight sky slowly faded out into darkness. The moon peeped overhead casting a beautiful reflection on the water surface adding to the serenity of the already euphoric evening.

I walked along the coast ensuring that sand filled the spaces between my toes enjoying the mushy feeling with each step. My loose sundress danced in the wind as the cool breeze engulfed my slender frame ruffling my dark brown curls that were pushed back by a headband. My slippers dangled in my hand as I gently swung my right arm back and forth with each stride.

Men with hoverboards tucked under their arms, women in swimsuits and other random people scurried across the sand probably in hopes of catching the party that was being hosted at a shack a few walks down the street.

Something about the serenity of the atmosphere made me linger. I stooped down and picked up a beautiful seashell I saw just wash up on the shore. I smiled at the ornament in my palm before making a wish and tossing it back into the ocean. I smiled remembering the days when my grandma used to take me for long walks on the beach down in California. She used to always say:

"Whenever you find a shell make a wish and return it to the ocean. You never know when you'll get lucky."

From ever since I've always practised this ritual. Though I've never gotten what I've wished for I kept doing it even after she passed away when I was fifteen.

I know you may be wondering what I wished for but she always say:

"Maya, never tell what you wish for or it may never come true".

Back in my home town, California, I've never felt so at peace compared to how I feel here. This is my second week in Colorado and my second visit to the well known Coral Beach. This summer I pledged to myself to spend as much time outdoor before returning as a senior in high school. I owe it to myself for being extremely occupied with studies last semester. After all, I want the title, Dr., to my name.

I stood in the midst of the moonlight staring out at the ocean illuminated with moonlight. I closed my eyes inhaling the fresh, salty scent of the waters. Soon I heard a big splash snapping me from my serene state. My head shot towards the direction of the splash which was only a distance away from where I was. My eyes caught sight of a yellow and orange patterned surfboard floating in the water before a head shot up beside it a few seconds later. I watched silently as a guy's head flashed horizontally releasing the water from his hair like a wet dog draining water from its coat.

He used his hand to wipe the water from his face. His back was turned to me making it impossible for me to see his face. The water went up to his waist leaving his bare back exposed in the night cold. My eyes roamed over his muscular frame pondering on his strong, broad shoulders.

I watched as he slowly turned around grabbing onto his surfboard. His eyes suddenly travelled in my direction meeting my blue ones in the distance. My heart fluttered causing one foot of slipper to fall from my hand.

I froze on spot. It's like my brain lagged for a moment soaking in his captivating visual. His smokey, hazel eyes were beautiful in the soft, night glow. The water dripped down his bare chest as he ran his hand through his black hair in hopes of getting it out of his face. He grabbed onto his surfboard, wheeled around and swam his way deeper into the ocean.

I stood there looking at him as he hooked onto his board and started catching waves. The muscles in his back tensed up with every wave he surfed. My heart fluttered again before I remembered about my fallen slipper. I stooped down and picked it up before eyeing him once more.


I've never seen him around. Never in my two weeks here. He's beautiful. Handsome. His eyes. Wow. My last boyfriend couldn't compare. Okay fine. I've never had a boyfriend. Don't get me wrong, I've been asked out. Multiple times. But I reject them. I hate distractions and boys are just that.


Wow...he sure is handsome.

I strolled my way out of the beach glancing once more at the surfer before completely disappearing.


Thank you so much for giving my story a chance. Thank you for your support always. Please take care my lovely readers. See you in chapter two.

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