I couldn't save everyone 😭

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Wednesday April 7 th

** Carina came back home from work extremely discouraged and upset she hadn't had a bad day like today in a very long time **

Carina: hi everyone
Everyone: hi momma
Maya: hiii babe!

** she kisses her wife and hugs her.Carina cracks her neck **
Maya you seem like you had a rough day babe
Carina : that's because I did
Maya: can you tell me about it?

** she was holding her seventh month old daughter in her arms**

Carina: okay but I want.... Come here baby girl! Momma missed you so much!!!

**Maya handed Londyn over to Carina **
Maya: she missed you too, we all did
Carina: thank youuu, I did too,
Okay so everything started out fine, I delivered two perfect healthy twins A boy and a girl, both born full terms , and uhhh absolute perfect, no complications from the birth and the mother was healing up from her stitches very beautifully ... an absolute champ. She even thanked me for delivering her twins safely and she wanted our home address so she could send me something as a " ThankYou gift" . She didn't have any other children at home, she's an Angel ,
Maya: Awnn that's very very sweet, what is her name?
Carina: who my patients?
Maya: yea , the one who wants to send you a " Thank You gift"
Carina: oh her name is Elise And her husband is Tom Woodland.
Maya: okay, well I can't wait to see what they have delivered at our door.
Carina: yea me too, and she said I could take a picture of them and put them on my BABY WALL IN MY OFFICE,
Look at them ,
** she showed Maya the first baby pictures ever of Charlotte and Connor. **
Maya : Awnn , they are very very beautiful indeed,
Carina: yea, I'll have it printed out sometime next week and put them up .
Maya: excellent idea babe, ** she kisses her wife**
Carina: Anyhow and then I got paged to another patient, Lucy Hill, her husband Peter French aye aye , her's was umm more complicated...
Maya: okay.. did she?
Carina: she didn't die. But damn I wasn't expecting to walk in her room and see her in so much agony babe, she was at 8 and a half when jo paged me , I was like " ohhh everything is going to be fine" ...
Several hours later, she was at 10 cm dilated and umm do you remember when I delivered our previous children, when I was involuntary pushing !
Maya: yea , I remember!
Carina: right, anyway she reached 10 cm .... Violet please don't go up the stairs by the railings , momma really really doesn't have the energy to discipline you !

Violet: ohhh  right , sorry momma,

** she climbed off of the stairs railings and went up the stairs normally **

Carina: thank youuu Bambina for listening!
Anyhow when she got to ten oh and this wasn't her first baby, she was having her third . She has two girls at home, Ellie and I'm I don't remember what her other daughter is called , but Ellie is seven years old, and her other sister is nine, , Lucy didn't want to push, she just couldn't. So we had , Bailey , Wilson and Montgomery, we were all there , and umm she hadn't prepared a birth playlists yet... she somehow forgot... anywho , we basically had to SING !! BABE I HAD TO SING THE LION SLEEPS TONIGHT! My worst nightmare came true !

** she really really couldn't believe that she sang . She sings okay! She can sing her children a few lullaby songs here and there But TO DO IT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, while at work , AN ABSOLUTE PASS FROM CARINA **

Maya: it's okay, you have a lovely voice my wife,
Carina: noooo , I ... you have a better singing voice than I do babe
Maya: thank youuu, but I don't agree with you that you have a bad singing voice , you sing very beautifully!
Carina: No , I get emotional when I sing so I start crying and it doesn't sound really good...

** she rested her head down on her wife's shoulders**

Maya: and then what happened?
Carina: well she managed to be relaxed and she managed to push her son out and everything was fine, they named him Noah !

Maya: okay, but you seems extremely drained , these patients seems to be successful to me,
Carina: yea that's because they were, the next three weren't as lucky, I saw a women in active labour for so long.... And she ended up ** she couldn't get the energy to say what she saw** her name is Sara Robbins, she was 39 weeks ! She she ... unfortunately needed forceps to help her Vagina to open up and ummm , I was at this point holding her legs with dr Bailey and umm Addison was delivering the baby, her husband was at her head, he almost fainted ... poor guy, , and ummm we heard an POP ! A really scary pop !
Maya : ohhh no, what happened next?
Carina: I had to step in and reached my hand inside her vagina and her baby's shoulders were dislocated inside her stomach, so she had extremely hard and intense pressure and she...
Maya: did you....
Carina: siiii , we lost the baby , she unfortunately gave birth to a sleeping baby boy, they named him TIMOTHY JAMES!
He was perfectly healthy and strong inside her and when it was time to deliver, he unfortunately didn't make it... and the same thing happened with the last two patients I had today , not the same medical issues but they didn't survive either! ** She was now inconsolable and she buried her head into her wife's chest **
Maya: shhhhhhhhhh it's okay baby,
Carina: hmmmmm , but It's not....
Maya: I know I know, how about we put the kids to bed early today and I'm going to make you forget about how today went!
**Carina nodded *
Siii , but how are you going to do that?
Maya: I have a few things in mind !
Carina: can't wait,

19h38 - 20h29
**Maya gave her twins a bubble bath and washed their hair Carina gave Alessandro a bath , while holding Londyn in the baby carrier but from behind. Kayla and Tristan both came back home from their friends house and they helped out with cleaning up the kitchen counter and put everything in the dishwasher, and picked up the kids toys so their moms wouldn't have to do anything after the younger kids were in bed**

Maya : all done girls,
Violet: thank youuu mommy, can you read us a bedtime story please please
Scarlett : yes bedtime story, bedtime story bedtime stories!!! ** the twins chanted in synched **

Maya: alright but I'll wait for Lessandro to be done with his bath too
Alessandro: wait for me mommy,
**Carina chuckles as she cracked her neck and kisses her wife very passionately , **

**Maya read a bedtime story to her twins and four year old son , gave them kisses and tucked everyone in , meanwhile Carina gave Londyn a bath. Carina put Londyn in her crib and went to bed next to her wife. Maya wanted to have her wife have incredible sex but when she saw that she was too exhausted, she simply understood. And gave her kisses and reminded Carina that she was extremely proud of her and that she loved her forever and she was extremely lucky to be her wife. By 21 h 15 Carina was sound asleep, Maya read her book for another half an hour and then she turned off her reading lamp and managed to go to sleep pretty fast.**

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