Chapter 7

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I arrived at the front entrance of my new school. "Wow, very fancy," is my first impression of the school.

"Right, miss?" Even he agreed with me. "If you go inside, there will be someone who's waiting for you," he continued.

"Alright, got it." I drop off the car and find someone inside. But seems like it's going to be a little hard to find. There are so many people coming in and moving around.

Someone suddenly pats my shoulder from behind. That flustered me. "Miss. Amelia?" I turn around to find a woman probably around her mid-20s standing behind me.

"Oh, are you perhaps the principal?" I asked because mom said, the principal will be there.

"No, I'm not him. I will be your homeroom teacher from now on." Completely wrong! Nice job, Rin. Give yourself some head pats.

"Oh my god, I'm completely sorry about that. I didn't know." On my first day too, so embarrassing.

"It's okay. You're still new either way, so of course you wouldn't know." She has a very charming smile. Melting like an ice cream when I see you smile~. Very pretty smile she has.

"Is there anything I to fill in right now? Such as the identification form?" I was so mad yesterday, I didn't ask her anything I need to do today. But usually, mom has already done everything I need to do before I even know it and she doesn't even inform me. Such a great mom, you may think but that's not the case for me. I want to do things by myself and when I need help, that's when they can jump in.

"No worries, your mom already settle everything." See! That made me realize, I never do all of these things before. Will I be fine when I have a child later? Will I even know what I need to do for my child? "Let's go to your class, shall we?" she breaks me from my thoughts.

"Let's go!" I said excitedly, can't wait to see how the class will look like.

We walked down the long hallway. This school's quite fancy. Not like my old school. Compared with each other, this school is very royalty-alike. I wonder how the education is like over here. I hope it's much better than my old school.

We stop in front of a class. Lunar, its class tag says. "This will be your class for the year. I hope you'll have fun with your classmates." I smile at her. She slides open the door and the first thing that catches my attention is, how many students are in the class. There's so little and the table are not connected. My class would have two tables with each other but this is only for one person. How interesting!

"Silence, class." The whole class went silent and they all take their sit. "We have a new student joining us today. Will you introduce yourself to the whole class? she points at me.

"Hi, everyone. My name is Khyrinn and you can call me Rin. Nice to meet you all! I hope we get along for the year." If I manage to stay here for the whole year. The whole class claps for me. Very welcoming. Different kind of reaction I get from my last school. I kind of like it here, it's not too bad but we'll have to see it later.

"Okay, you may sit behind there," she points to the empty sit on the third row in the middle of the class. I sit there and greet the two people beside me.

They seem very friendly, I thought.


"Hey Rin, do you want to join us for recess? I can show you around too if you want," said the person who sits beside me. I didn't catch her name. "My other friends are from different class. They should be waiting for us by now," she continues.

"Yeah, sure. By the way, your name is?" She looks so pretty. Hazel eyes, shoulder-length reddish hair with a wolf cut, fair body proportion, smooth baby face, no acne or pimple mark. Any girl will be jealous if they see her.

"The name, Avelyn. Call me Ave if you'd like," she held out her hand. I reach for her hand. So soft and smooth. I want to be like you.

She smiles, showing her dimples. So cute, I'm jealous. "Let's go then, shall we." The way she talks seems like she's from the royalty, with the deep voice and all. She screams 'first-born child' so much.

"Yep, let's go." I take my lunchbox that nanny had prepared for me and walk by her side. I want to be her friend and I want to know everything about her. "By the way, are you the oldest among your siblings?" Or perhaps she's an only child like me. That'll be fate if it's true.

"Um, nope," Maybe she is actually an only child? "I'm the second oldest out of my four siblings." Ah, I was close. "Why do you ask?" The way she talks keeps making me blush. She gives me butterflies. What is this feeling?

"It's nothing. You just seem like the oldest sibling from my point of view." I feel so hot around my face suddenly. Is my face getting red? I took a glimpse at her. Oh my god, she's looking at me with a grin. I got flustered and run my eyes from her.

"You're getting red. Are you okay?" Ahhh! Mom help me!

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't look at me, I'm shy." I'm straight, aren't I? Get your mind straight, Rin!

She chuckles. That does not help at all! I want to run from here.

"Why are you embarrassed?" Stop talking with me. You're the reason why I'm embarrassed. She touch my cheek and our eyes met. I yelp and run away from her. I can't handle this, I don't think I can go back to class. She literally sits beside me.

"Rin, wait!" Sorry, can't hear you. I'll just eat in the toilet. She's really making me ask about my sexuality. I know I'm straight!

Khyrinn BasheerahWhere stories live. Discover now