Chapter 4

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Ding ding dong! The recess bell rings.

Nice! Now let's run before he gets to me. I don't want to be bothered by such dumb questions. I'm not in the mood to deal with a such small matter like this.

"Hold up a sec, Rin," he stopped me with his long slim finger to my face as I was about to step out of the classroom. Ah, here we go again.

"What do you want?" I said, trying to get out of here quickly. Well, if you want to say something, can we not do it here? It's literally the FRONT DOOR OF THE CLASSROOM. There are people around, wondering what's happening.

"You didn't forget anything, did you?" Oh, so you want to play like this. Fine, let's play a bit and get out from here.

"I'm hungry; now move!" He stopped me again. Guess he's really stubborn. 

"Well, if you had forgotten," I stopped him before he could finish his sentence.

"Wait, wait. Okay, I got it. Sheesh, let me breathe, will you?" I really don't want to deal with this. Somebody, help me! "Let's go somewhere else. Maybe the field?"

"No!" he said, with such loud voice. "I want you to explain it here. Right this instance. To the WHOLE class," he crossed his arm as he said that. Do I have to? I don't think it's that important.

"Or," I said, giving him some option. "maybe I could talk with you ALONE and you tell them what is the situation that is currently ongoing." Now, can we please move from here? People are staring. So embarrassing.

He thinks for a while. "Okay, fine." Yes! Thank you, thank you so much!! "Let's go," he said and proceed to pull my hand and drag me to the field.


"Okay, so tell me everything. From A to Z and don't leave anything out." But I don't have anything special going around, so what am I supposed to say?

I think for a while. "Well, how about you ask me questions and I answer them all?" I don't really know what to tell him. So, I think this is the best solution.

"Oh, well. That works too," he said and brings out his notebook and pen. I don't think that's necessary. "So, first question..." and so, he had asked me about a lot of things. I regret giving him chance to ask questions about me.

And now, all my classmates know who I really am and they all respect me so much, even my bully. They suddenly become such angels. Angel in disguise. I despise people like them the most. Only like someone because of fame or trends and stuff like that. Can't they have their own decision? Be yourself and don't follow the trend. It doesn't kill you to be different than other people.


"Hey, Rin!" Oh, here comes the goody two-face bully. "Are you hungry? We're going to the best cafe around here. Do you want to join?" And then what, pay for your food? Hah, you wish! I'm not that easy to forgive someone.

"Nah, I'm good. I need to get home before going somewhere else," I lied. She said something but I cut her off. "Plus, I need to study and do my homework."

"Oh! Too bad then. What about the next time?" You're really eager, aren't you?

"We'll have to see that next time," I said, knowing that I would just block her off. You didn't even apologize to me yet and want to be my friend, knowing my mother is famous. Nah, I don't think so.

"Ah, there he is, my personal driver," flexing to her. It feels nice doing this to her. I wish her group is also here so that I can show off to them. I look at her to see her reaction. Her mouth is open wide like a pufferfish. How funny! I wish I could take picture of her right this moment.

"Well, I go first then. And, close your mouth before some flies get in there. Goodbye!" Revenge will happen to you someday. Just wait, trash.

Khyrinn BasheerahWhere stories live. Discover now