Mourning & Decisions

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Artemis moved towards Perseus and grabbed his shoulder, "It's the pit Perseus, you never showed anyone but even after millennia you still had nightmares of the pit. You have been down there, it's not a place for anyone to be. You would be weaker down there."

Perseus nodded; he already knew the risk of everything. "I know, but I would still be more powerful than a demigod down there. The pit is designed to be a jail for immortals and monsters, it's no place for a mortal. The first blow has been dealt by the enemies, and I was powerless to stop it. But I would not stand around and hope that Annabeth makes it out while I have the power to save us. Like it or not, I am going down there to rescue my girlfriend."

Artemis swallowed the fear that was clenching her heart in a vice grip, she knew better. She had known Perseus for millennia, she knew that once his mind was made, there was no changing it. She surprised him by moving forward and hugging him. Her head came up to his torso as she wrapped her arms around him. "Please make it back safely."

Perseus had gone still for a second before composing himself and nodding, he bent downwards to press a kiss against the goddess' head, "I will."

Moving towards the cavern that had swallowed Annabeth, he could hear someone following him. Turning his head he saw Thalia just behind him, he raised an eyebrow at her. Silently asking her what she was doing Although he had an idea.

Thalia straightened her back, looking more confident than she was feeling. But her mind was resolute, there was no going back from here, "I am coming with you." She said determinedly.

Perseus' lips curled in a smirk, for as much as the girl liked to display herself as mysterious and aloof, she was quite predictable. "Are you sure? Tartarus is not a place for a picnic, the place is created to drive you to your worst nightmares. The air inside is poisonous, seeping out hope from your lungs. The ground is filled with shattered glass, making you cry out in agony with every step. The sounds of monsters screaming makes your ears bleed."

Thalia visibly gulped as she stared at the god in horror, that was not something she wanted to hear right before she jumped into the pit. However, she knew that it was a test, he was testing her resolve. Her electric blue eyes flashed and lightning danced in them. "Luke turned into a monster," She said, more firmly than Perseus had ever heard her speak when it came to the son of Hermes, "I already lost one member of my family. I am not losing another."

Perseus smiled, expecting this answer from her. "Well if you are sure," his hand wrapped around her waist as he pulled her closer to himself, "hold tight."

He turned towards Artemis to see that there were tears in her eyes, he nodded to her and spoke, "Artemis, remember, you are the only one who can carry the burden." Without saying anything more or explaining himself further, he took a step ahead and was sucked into the pit.


Artemis watched Perseus get sucked into the pit and for the first time in a really long time, she actually felt afraid.

She was beating herself up for the past two millennia for letting go of the one man who had loved her truly and unconditionally. She had gotten him back only for him to treat her as a mere acquaintance, still, the lingering voice in her head kept pushing her forward. In hopes that someday he might forgive her if she earned his forgiveness, whatever it took, however long it took.

However, it seems that the fates were playing with her.

Perseus had returned, but with the information that he would have not one, not two but six partners. That sucked as much as Apollo's haiku did. Still, she held onto the belief that she could be fine with it, for a chance that he would look at her like he used to once again.

Though, all that went out the window when she saw him get together with the daughter of Athena. Jealousy burned inside her hotter than the sun. Over the days, she had gotten over that too, but now it seemed that the universe found it amusing to watch her suffer in misery, as she watched her ex-husband, the man she loved, jump into the pit to save the woman he loved.

Fates sure were cruel. Taking revenge and making her suffer as she had once made their master suffer.

Shaking her head out of her morbid thoughts, Artemis focused on her hunters who were all looking towards her for further instructions. She moved forward towards the area their tents had been made in. She didn't have the time to wait if she wanted to save the daughter of Hades. Perseus had given her the answer of where Bianca Di Angelo had been taken and she knew what needed to be done.

After reaching the campsite, she closed her eyes and called out to her annoying brother. Apollo was angry and disappointed in her, but still, he would never turn her away.

She looked towards her hunters and spoke firmly, "Girls, I have to go away for the time being for an important task," she raised her hands to stop Zoë's protest when she saw it coming. "It's an important task that must be attended to, and I need to go alone. For the time being you are all to stay at the demigod camp."

The hunters all groaned at the prospect of spending time at Camp half-blood amongst the annoying demigods, mostly the male campers and the Aphrodite girls, but seeing their mistress' stern glare they knew they couldn't complain.

They all reluctantly nodded and Artemis continued, "Be respectful towards Chiron, do not attack any campers unless provoked. Be better than that and do not disappoint me." She added remembering Perseus' words.

The hunters all looked miffed out at not having permission to mess with the male campers as they wanted but they knew better than to argue.

As the hunters packed the campsite, the son of Hades had woken up and Artemis had to gently explain to him what happened to his sister along with everything that followed. It wasn't easy as she had to curb her man-hating instincts down, but the fact that he was an innocent child helped.

After Nico had calmed down, by which she means stopped screaming at everyone to give his sister back, Artemis could finally see Apollo approaching. Finally!, she thought, he was sooo lazy during winter.

She heard the yelp from Nico when the sun chariot drew closer, it's brightness blinding the boy temporarily. The hunters had more experience than that and had all averted their eyes. She could hear the gasp from Nico as the chariot stood in front of them, unlike her own chariot, her brother's was charmed to appear as the looker's favorite car.

Apollo smiled towards them, unlike the usual time that he would make some idiotic comment to annoy them. No, her brother had changed in the last few centuries, he would joke and play around with Hermes and Dionysus, but with her, he wasn't as close as he used to be. Is this what he had felt like all the time she ignored him and treated him like a swine?

She had a lot to think about, but not right now. "Brother, I need you to take my hunter and this half-blood to the camp. I have to go on a solo hunt."

Apollo's eyebrows raised in surprise at how sincere she sounded, not like the condescending intolerable bitch she usually was. He nodded and went ahead towards the hunters, not even replying anything to her. The God of Sun looked at the son of Hades straight in the eyes, gazing into his soul before moving on, feeling content with what he could see.

He snapped his fingers and the chariot turned to a bus, turning to the group he gave them his blinding smile, "So, who wants to drive?" He asked, twirling the keys to his chariot around his finger.

None of the hunters seemed enthusiastic about it and stayed silent, seeing as no one was going to say anything, Nico jumped up and down and raised his hand, "I want to."

Apollo laughed and ruffled his hair, "Walk before you run squirt." 

Perseus- The Lost GodHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin