-Theres no team in alliance pt2-

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Earlier Lightnings pov-

"I hate our team!" Fanny yelled at me. "It's not all bad. You have me and Snowball." I said, with a questioning smile.  She rolled her eyes at me but her gaze was quickly drawn to something else as her eyes turned from her normal anger to full on ticked off.

I looked behind me to see the rest of our team, well, minus Snowball and Flower. I think Snowball said they call themselves Free Smart or something? I thought it was just the alliance but, whatever. Either way, they were walking towards us looking a bit... weird. Like they were gonna bully some little kids or something. 

As they got closer Fanny got more and more angry and they stopped right in front of us. I watched as they slowly started to argue. "So like, what's going on over here?" Pencil asked Fanny. "None of your business!" She yelled back at them while Match snickered at her temper.

"That's like, quite a lot of talk from someone who's clearly like, lesser then us, isn't it?" Match asked as Ruby giggled. "What makes her lesser then you?" I asked confused. "Don't you like, know? Anyone with less then 4 limbs is automatically like, a lesser object." Pencil said. I looked down at myself.

Two limbs doesn't make me lesser then them?! "That's obnoxious." I stated plainly. The 2 meaner ones seemed taken aback. "Ya! He's right!" Fanny yelled at them smiling. "You like, don't get to talk freaks!" Pencil yelled at us both. She seemed to mainly direct it at Fanny though. I flew down closer to Fanny's level watching the others.

"Hey!" Fanny yelled after the comment. "Oh shush! You like, should have been used to it by now." Pencil said. "So you've called her that and bullied her before? What the heck?!" I yelled watching them roll their eyes. "Oh shut up. It's not like we're like, lying to her right? You 2 and all the like, other objects that lack limbs are just as much of freaks when we like, call you one and when we like, don't."  Pencil said.

I stared taken aback at the statement. I looked back at Fanny. She's lost the flare in her eyes and was squinting at the floor. This isn't the first time this has happened which made it so much worse. "Now..." Match began as she grabbed my arm and held me like a bug. "You like, scram if you know what's good for you like, ok?" She said in an evil tone.

I tried to shock her but I can only shock people that my body is touching. It wouldn't work with how she was holding me. Plus, I had to stop since she was just trying to set me on Fanny. "You three suck!" I yelled gritting my teeth. "Uh, there are 4 of us actually." Said Ruby as she pointed to Bubble behind her. She looked really upset. I could tell she didn't like what they were doing but, she couldn't change their minds and she knew it.

I'd been in the same situation as that with some friends in the past. I shook it out of my thoughts and looked at Pencil who was reaching for Fanny. Fanny on the other hand, was just backing up, not knowing what to do. I shook myself free and electrocuted Pencil as hard as I could muster.

She started to scream in pain as I shocked her for a solid 15 seconds. I finally let off and flew over to Fanny. "You ok?" I asked her as she looked up. She seemed disappointed in herself and said "Ya I'm... Im fine." I nodded and flew up to Matches level who was top level angry right now. "Bubble, Ruby, go recover Pencil!" She yelled at them and just like that they were gone.

It hadn't even been a few seconds before they were back as I rolled my eyes. Pencil suddenly looked behind me and rolled her eyes and I heard someone walking behind me. I glanced around to see Snowball coming up on us. I sighed in relief and moved to the side slightly as he walked between me and Fanny.

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