-You sure your a jerk?-

127 2 0

Snowballs pov

As we sat around waiting for the elimination to start, I sat with Lightning and Fanny on one of the picnic tables. We had just been in silence for the past few minutes we'd been there, the clear elephant in the room being ignored.

I'd already decided that the next time we were messed with by the "alliance" I was gonna beat them to a pulp. I hadn't mentioned that to them though. I wanted to see the look on their faces.

Speaking of which, I decided to steal a glance at Fanny, who hadn't really talked or had her angry persona on since the incident. She definitely didn't look like herself to say the least. She almost looked wasted in a way. Not physically but in a mental state. As if the conversation had drained all her energy and will to live like a swig from a bottle.

"Hey, you doing ok?" I said out of nowhere. She looked up at me for a few seconds, but eventually back to the "ever so interesting ground". I rolled my eyes while Lightning looked over at her and said "Thanks for clarifying." as I stifled some laughter. I didn't understand it but I found Lightnings need of clarification and jokes about it oddly humorous.

Fanny smiled from the comment and looked over at us. I took the chance of attention to fully address the situation.

"So, Fanny, you never answered if you were uh, doing ok." I said trying to make it lighthearted. "I'm fine SB." She said back, seeming like she was trying to reassure both me and herself. She didn't seem to do either. "You sure? Cause I mean-" I was cut off after starting my sentence by Fanny trying to change the subject "Why do you even care anyway? You've never cared about anyone but yourself before so I'm just confused." She trailed off as she watched me.

I assumed I'd started to show the fact that what she was saying wasn't the most pleasant to hear but I quickly stored it in my mind for later and just looked around instead. "Look the uh, elimination is about to start." I said carefully looking over at 4, straightening my face in the process. Fanny looked over at me one last time and made an audible sigh before staring back at the new hosts as we began.

"We got 9,983 votes!" 4 started off. Soon after donut went on a rant about how to vote properly. I tuned out most of the intro until they called out Lightning. "Lightning is safe as well with 532 votes respectively!" 4 called as the third piece of cake was thrown out to us. I smiled and gave him a thumbs up as he caught his cake, grinning a huge grin that made the world shine. Wait- what the heck is going through my head?! I was snapped out of my thoughts as the 4 called my name out "Snowball is also safe with 616 votes!" He threw out a piece of cake as he drew my line on the board.

I waited for them to get to Fanny, catching a few glances at her every name called. It was eventually down to her and Pencil. "To bad about Fanny huh?" I heard the said object sat next to me as X yelled out "Actually Fanny is safe!" Throwing her the last piece of cake as it got in her blade, splattering it over Flower. I snickered as the alliance started to fall and Pencil was...sucked into 4. It was weird to watch but it did feel kind of soothing to watch your enemy get sucked into a weird, other-wordley creature.

I got up a stretched for a second, waiting for everyone to stop begging 4 to revive everyone. Eventually, they just got too fed up with it and made it a challenge. Licking jawbreakers. I mean I guess it wasn't hard at least. We were done about 10 minutes after they said go and we're the second ones safe so we did pretty good. Especially after the last challenge.

My original plan was gonna be to hook up with Eraser, Pen, and Blocky but, I really didn't need anyone right now. I just went back to the picnic tables to think. I was feeling a bit weird. Like something was continuously bugging me. I tried to think back to the elimination but couldn't think of anything. Not until I got to before the elimination. What Fanny said was eating away at me but, I just couldn't tell why. I'm not a soft person. I'm the jerk. The one everyone dislikes and hates and isn't friends with...and uh...

Yeah I think I know what it is now. I can't believe I'm going so soft. Actually caring what people think and all that. I put my face in one of my hands and sighed, moving my hand down over my mouth as I looked up. I pulled down my hand and sat up to look at Lightning, who had started to float over to me and stopped next to me.

He smiled like he was the worlds source of joy. I loved it, and how it felt to be with him. I shook my head as I felt my face, I was a blushing mess as embarrassment filled my thoughts. Lightning laughed and said "I haven't even said anything yet, grin and bear me a little longer would ya?" He said as he continued to crack up on the sidelines. I looked away, embarrassed and cringing at the situation. What was I in, a poorly written fanfic? (cough* yes cough*)

I looked back at Lightning as he cleared his throat "I uh, noticed you were being you know all emo over here and just wanted to make sure you were good." He said laughing. I gave him a stfu look and sighed. Was he mocking me? Did he really come all the way over here to make fun of me? After a second of reading my thoughts he said "I swear I'm not trying to make fun of you or anything I just wanted to make sure you were ok in the most lighthearted way I could.

He floated closer to me and smiled "I've been told by a lot of people that you were the jerk around here. No offense but I don't see it." He said giving me a look I couldn't make out. I chuckled and said "Just wait a little longer." And elbowed him as the challenge came to a close.

Ya I'm done also letting you guys know now that this book is pretty much gonna be Snowball character development. I love him. He's under appreciated<3 good day.

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