"Before Ying..."

Her ears caught something whistling in the air, and her blue robes fluttered when she leaned backwards, the ground in front of her suddenly pierced by a single sabre.

Eyes widened at Ying whom was just floating in the air, her grip tightened, trying to call on the dagger back to her again.

This is not good.

She reached in the air again, managing to pull out her dagger while Ying came at her with her sabre, hacking viciously at the silver.

"What on...?"

The both of them turned over to the door, and Lord Xu lifted his head from the table as well, looking at the person that entered the room.

Ying hastily landed her feet on the floor with a thud while Jin blinked at them, taking wobbly steps backwards.

"I thought... I thought I was hallucinating." He managed to get out before leaving the room immediately.

"Jin!" Yun ran out instantly as well. But under the hot summer skies and the cool breeze, she could only watch as he walked away out from the gate, not even a glance backwards.


It was a crescent moon this night as she sent another letter. Sometimes, Yun wondered whether the letters really reached her father. But within a fortnight or so, she would receive his reply. The familiar writing on the parchment comforted her somewhat. And oftentimes, he would also attach a painting with the letter he'd write, which gave her a picture of home.

It was really late, and the midnight air was starting to bite at her nose a little. She clutched at her forearms, rubbing them.

Why did I not bring a cape? She chided herself mentally. She was in the process of debating internally on whether she could use the dragon scale jade to actually make a ball of flames that she could hold in her hand to warm herself up so she could stay outside for a little while longer. The night was too beautiful to give up.

Footsteps caught her ear again, and Yun lowered her head. He'd stopped, but she'd pretend not to notice Jin, remaining silent to see what he would do.

He still, doesn't want to speak with me does he? I did break his heart. Yun thought, the curve of her lips not matching her eyes.

But that perception immediately changed when something warm was draped around her neck. She looked down at the maroon coloured cape as Jin sat down next to her in a nonchalant manner, one hand on his knee as he leaned back.

"Don't catch a cold like last time."

Yun nodded meekly, clutching the cape tighter. "What about you?"

"I wore thicker clothes." He shrugged her concern off.

"Yun, I came here to ask you a few questions. If that is alright with you?"

"It's fine. And I promise to give you a truthful answer no matter what you ask."

There were a few moments of silence between them, but it was a comfortable one, and she relished in it.

"Are you not mortal?"

Yun turned around towards him, surprised. "Is that what you want to know?"

He bobbed his head hesitantly, turning towards her as well.

Is it that important for you to know?

"I am mortal. But I might not be in a previous life."

"I'm sorry if it was insensitive of me to ask." He hesitated when he got the sentence out.

"It's alright."

"You know, everytime I thought I know you, that I would finally know you, you become someone different that I don't know." Jin breathed out.

"At the beginning, I was intrigued, and I gave chase. But now, I just feel like I really want to settle down with you and get to know you. I'm a little too tired from all of the chasing, Yun."

"I'm sorry." Yun breathed, and allowed silence again to pass in between them. "I wish I weren't so hard to get to know as well."

"I'm tired too." She sighed, looking back at the stars.

"Are Qi Die and Ling also-"

"They're mortal."

"Yun, I also want to say... thank you. I know that it was you whom helped healed me, and that you protected me while I was defenseless. I don't really know how to feel about that, but I appreciate it. A lot." A warmth covered her hand at that, and she looked down at his hand, covering her own.

A lot of things were suddenly clear to her then.

She loved him.

She wanted him to be safe.

He deserved someone that can give him safety and the truth.

And that person was not her.

She wondered how she managed to shatter her own heart. But then again, it wasn't like she used it a lot. She wondered how she knew it was shattered anyway.

"Get some rest, you'll need it." Yun said simply. She stood up, brushing off her dress. Her arm was held back however, and she looked down at Jin. His eyes were shining, begging her to stay a little longer.

"I need rest too, Jin." She slowly pulled her hand out from his grasp and held it. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Of Forgotten Dreams (Book 1) [NANOWRIMO 2022]Where stories live. Discover now