Chapter 2

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Breakfast was a simple affair as how Lord Gu liked it. They had green tea with fried goat cheese in syrup along with a bowl of fruit, specially prepared.

"Father, do tell me more about your trip this time." Yun asked after swallowing a bite of cheese.

For the longest time, although she was content staying home in Guiying, she wanted to venture out into the world. She felt as though something was calling her, wanting her to explore and travel. But for now, she was living vicariously through the recounts of her father's ventures, and was happy doing so.

"Gwangbei is still very hot." He chuckled as he begin his recount of his travels. "Even though it was almost late-autumn that I had departed from there after getting the spices, it was sweltering. The people were also still loud and merry as ever."

"And then I had spent too long in the Royal City when I arrived this time, trading off my wares. Some of my days were spent with my old friends from court as we talked about the current issues in the nation. They still wanted my opinions."

Yun smiled as she knew what he was going to say next.

"But there's still no place like Guiying." They chorused.

Lord Gu laughed heartily at that. "There's no place like Guiying." He sighed again as his laughter receded.

"I heard that you were still interested in herbs." Her father stated after they finished their food. A servant girl came in to clear out the plates as the manor started to bustle with life, the sun rising well into the sky now.

"I am, Father." She nodded, perking up.

"Well, it's good that I have something for you." Her father stood up and left the table. When he came back, there was a wooden chest in his hands. He unlocked the latch and opened it to show her the contents inside.

Yun gasped. Inside the chest was a mortar and a pestle, several stoppered porcelain bottles, a few bottles of what she thought was infused-oil and a couple of books at the bottom of the chest.

"All of these... for me?" She asked.

"Of course. Here, take it."

The chest was placed in her hands, and Lord Gu latched it up again.

"This is also for you." He said as the same servant girl brought in a bowl. As she set it down on the table, Yun inhaled deeply the scent of the dark coloured soup. Jujube seeds, longan and poria.

"One of the fellow merchants that I travelled with on various occasions recommended this prescription. I've tried it myself before, and it works like a charm. Have a try first, and if it works, I will ask the kitchens to prepare this for you every night."

"Thank you, father."

He chuckled in reply again. "No need to thank me, I'm your father. Even though I can't spend too much time with you, I still want to take care of you."

"On the other hand, where were we with your lessons?"


Many in Guiying had known that Lord Gu was a successful merchant and a trader, and rightfully so. But before that, he had served in the palace as a scholarly court official. He was exceptional in the art of painting, and that lead him to be well known as one of the two tutors for the Xiang King, whom was known for his prowess in the arts as he grew up.

One of the ways that he had managed to spend time with Yun was also through teaching her how to paint. It started when she was little, and the lessons had still continued up until now. It had become a hobby for Yun, and the talent she had shown was enough to please her father to continue to teach her. Sometimes, she would also sell her paintings, allowing her some extra pocket money to buy the herbs that she needed.

Of Forgotten Dreams (Book 1) [NANOWRIMO 2022]Where stories live. Discover now