Chapter 47

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Ying, Ying's gone. Because of me.

Her teacher, her best friend. Gone.

The emotions that she had been numbing suddenly enveloped her in intense waves.

And I couldn't even save her.

Somewhere, she heard someone calling her name, and yelled at her to be careful.

She looked up belatedly and saw Xiao standing right over her. His hand gripped tightly around her throat as she was lifted up. Instantly lightheaded, she scrabbled at him, trying to get him to loosen his grip, but the armour was too hard for her to make any difference

A clank sounded as Jin roared from behind Xiao, and then, she felt the iron-like grip release. Her hands went around her neck, trying to soothe it as she was let down onto the ground. Once she was certain that she vision no longer swam, she lifted her head to the scene in front of her again.

Jin was almost hacking at Xiao, attacking so vigorously that it appeared to her that he was giving Xiao no chance to retaliate. His attacks were even forced to the defence, but there was a look in his eyes that told Yun he was enjoying this game.

He brought his sword down again on Xiao, roaring as he did so, and Yun just stared at him. Even when he was covered in blood and lined in bruises, she found herself thinking about the way he had looked the day they first met. Her gaze grazed his chiselled face, his armour, all the down to his boots.

Another tear rolled down the side of her cheek.

I don't want you to do this, Jin. I understand you are fighting for me, but I don't want you to.

She grabbed her dagger again, and pushed herself onto her feet. Her feet pounded against the ground as she ran the small distance towards him. "Jin!"

For the fraction of a moment, her heart stopped pounding at the small, sad smile he gave her. His eyes dimmed as soon as they lit up, and he turned back his concentration wholly onto his opponent again, exchanging strikes.

"Game's over." Xiao suddenly growled when Yun got close.

Flames licked the sides of his sword as he lit it on fire, and he swept past Jin's attack like he was batting away a fly. Such was his power and dexterity that within the next move he had forced Jin into defence. Xiao pulled back, and directed another stab with such force to Jin's gut that it broke the sword that Jin was holding to shield himself into two.

His arm spasmed as he pulled it aside, clutching it as he glared at Xiao while the latter circled him.

She was close now, another step, just another step forwards. And in mere seconds she had crossed the distance, and almost reached his side.

But by then, a swift hit with the flat side of the sword sent Jin to his knees. Xiao stood in front of him, pointing the flaming blade towards him. Jin looked defiant, but the sunlight still reflected the tears in his eyes.

She took another step forwards, rushing. And watched as she was too late.

The sword was driven into his chest, splitting the armour easily. When he pulled it out again, Jin lurched forwards visibly, and blood sprayed the ground in an arc.

He wobbled, and fell backwards. Yun was there with her arms outstretched, and caught him.

It hurt as she saw the life slowly fading out of Jin's eyes, as he slowly focused them onto her. Hints of happiness and sadness coloured his eyes at the same time.

"I'm sorry." He gasped. "That I- can't protect- you. I'm sorry."

Yun sobbed as she heard that, allowing him to rest in her lap, she placed both her palms on his face, cupping it. Come on, heal. Heal.

The light wouldn't come. No matter how her emotions rolled and boiled. No matter how close the proximity that she was in with Xiao. No matter strongly she called onto it.

She was exhausted. And for the first time, she'd discovered the limit of her powers.

"I- I- love you." Jin said, his voice barely a whisper as a tear rolled down his cheeks. His fingers twitched as he reached for her hand, and she immediately obliged, grasping it tightly. Her other hand gently brushed away the tear.

"I love you too." She breathed as well.

His lips pulled up weakly as he rolled into her touch, and his eyes fell shut.

Yun folded into him, sobbing onto his shoulder. There was no more pulse, no more heartbeat that she could feel or hear. His chest ceased to rise and fall as well, his limp, lifeless body slowly losing warmth in her arms.

All the memories they'd had together flooded back into her mind. The first time they'd met in the small temple-like room. The first time they'd share dinner. The way he'd smile when he looked at her. And how he was always by her side, protecting her. His fleeting gazes, his boyish way of beaming, and his broad stature that stood in the sunlight.

Her heart hurt so much, so, so much it felt like she was dying as well when she realised that all of them were only memories now.

But something else pulsed against her chest, something hard and solid, slowly growing warm.

She released a shaky breath, the tears glistening in her eyes as she looked up at Xiao, locking eyes with him. He lifted the blade in his hand, the flames on it now extinguished, and placed it against her neck without saying anything else.

A moment passed.

"I'm sorry he had to die." He said without emotion in his voice. "He was a good man, and a great warrior. And I'm sorry you couldn't save him."

A tear dripped down the side of her face, and clinked lightly as it landed on the sword.

"Come with me now."

"Come with me and no one else will get hurt, or die because of you."

"You can end the pain and suffering you are in." He persuaded. "Join us."

A moment of silence passed again as the jade she'd tucked in her robes grew hotter.


A burst of air exploded, and Yun found the air whipping wildly around her. Flames were shot in her direction, but the wind formed a stronger air shield than what she had ever conjured. It occurred that she was in a tornado, a much larger one than Ying had formed just now.

Yun lifted Jin up, the air surging to help her support his heavy weight. The howling wind formed an air current without her even forming the intent yet, and she let go of his body. And with one push, she watched as Jin disappeared into the wind.

She knew that he would be sent back to his manor.

She hoped that he would get a warrior's funeral, like he deserved.

The wind ceased much like how it started, abruptly. And she ran, allowing the breeze to push her farther. Faces of the people she loved flashed by her eyes as she headed towards the cliff.

Her father, her mother. Ling. Qi Die. Jin. Yufan. Lord Xu. Ying.

"I love all of you, and I'm never giving up on myself for you." She breathed as she jumped.

A roar came from behind her, and flames tried to coil around her, but she was falling fast. Down to the sea spray and jagged rocks.

For a few moments, she wondered if this was how it would feel like to fly. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she lost consciousness, her fatigue finally overtaking her.

Of Forgotten Dreams (Book 1) [NANOWRIMO 2022]Where stories live. Discover now