Chapter 11

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Yun found herself in the middle of a dark forest. The canopy of the trees was thick overhead her, blocking out almost all the light. She turned around, the darkness making her skin crawl in some way.

She wanted, no, needed the light. But no illumination came to her, like all her previous dreams. And unlike her previous dreams, she didn't feel like she had lived through this before, but rather, this was real, and happening this very instant.

A fractured ray of sunlight caught her eye as she turned, and she immediately felt a pull to go to that direction. She approached the way forwards cautiously, careful to let her eyes adjust first before she stepped into anything nasty.

Climbing underneath a thicket of brambles, she found herself picking up pace, chasing the light through the forest. It would slow when she was caught up by some obstacles, and then when she was moving fast, it was faster, as if taunting her to catch up.

She reached one of her hands out as she ran, trying to get it to slow down. It did, much to her surprise as she panted in exhaustion. The light seemed to fly back and settle in her palms, the warmth slowly spreading throughout her body as she felt the light within her respond to it as well. Her arms slowly glowed with light, as the small speck of sunlight started moving again.

She followed it, and soon she found herself running out of the dark canopy, and her surroundings were illuminated by the warm rays of the sun. She blinked, adjusting to her surroundings as she saw that the brambles and thick undergrowth, she had made her way through were now soft grass underneath her feet. Large boulders lay strewn around, and Yun walked past them.

She knew that this dream served a purpose, like all the other dreams she had. But what was it?

She wound around the rocks which finally opened up to the edge of a wide cliff. Here, there were no more trees, and the orange, purple coloured sunset that lay out in the sky. It was high, so high up that the sun was going to disappear sooner from the horizon that she had ever saw before.

A lone man stood at the cliffside, back facing Yun with both hands folded behind him as the strong winds blew at his robe. He seemed unbothered, and looked at the sky, as though expecting someone.

Yun walked towards him, trying to see the man clearer. She froze as she stepped on a stray twig however, and quickly darted aside behind a boulder, holding her breath. After a few moments in which her heart pounded in her ears, she peeked over the rock, and saw that the man still stood unbothered. She frowned.

Searching for something on the ground, she saw other few twigs. She picked them up, and without pausing, snapped them one by one as loud as she possibly could while keeping an eye on him.

He did not flinch, or turn around at the sound, confirming her suspicions. It would seem that she was in an unnoticeable state, sheltered from her surroundings as she was in her dream. It seemed funny that she still could use all her senses though, and move things about.

A roar suddenly cut through the sky. And as Yun lifted up her head, she saw a being flying overhead, and quickly identified it as a dragon even though she had not seen one before. Her mouth fell open in awe at the beautiful creature, as she turned to take in the magnificent sight completely.

Its white scales gleamed a myriad of colours in the sunset, its long body parting the sky in half as it soared past them. A strong gust of wind followed it, and it blew Yun against the boulder she was hiding behind for a few moments until she found herself able to move when the air pressing on her was released.

It twirled and twisted itself, before shooting right down onto the cliff's edge, where the man stood. Her mouth opened, horrified as it was going to plummet down where he stood. She wanted to yell out a warning, but nothing would come out from her mouth.

Of Forgotten Dreams (Book 1) [NANOWRIMO 2022]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang