Chapter 29

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Yun rounded the corner as she walked towards the Pavilion of Butterflies.

She had been a frequent visitor there these few days, as there was much that she had to oversee for the wedding. Qi Die also wanted her opinions on certain matters and to understand several Guiying wedding customs.

She rounded the corner, and paused, feeling her body slowly increasing in temperature and becoming scalding hot. Right in front of her, was a man leaning against the wall.

He looked young, almost around her age or Ying's age when compared to Lord Xu. There was a nonchalant, yet lethal air around him that caught her attention as well, something that was vastly different from his age.

He wore red robes that was patterned with cloud motives, underneath a black silk outer robe that was decorated with black and gold embroidery. Gold gauntlets were around his wrists and a sheathed sword around his waist. Gold was used for the hair barrette that pulled all of his hair up, a red garnet stone studded on it, showing his status.

Yun steadied herself, although she felt her powers boiling underneath her skin. If he was a demon, he must be a very strong one. And if it is a demon that was coming for her, she would think that the best way was to face it head on, lest that it would come for the people around her.

She carefully cleared her face of all expression and continued walking. Her heart was pounded rapidly as she struggled to keep her powers under control as well the closer she got to him. Pausing, she kept her head forwards and curtsied. It wasn't of the highest decree of bowing, but it still conveyed her politeness nonetheless, and it would suffice unless he was a direct part of the Royal Family.

Picking her feet up again, she took a step forward.

"Your name is Yun?"

Her eyes widened and she paused.

"I am afraid that you have mistaken me for someone else." Yun said, turning around and held a curtsy.

"I don't think I have." He stood up from the wall and walked over to her, edging her towards the stone walls. Yun tried to sidestep him, but even the air around her seemed to force her where he wanted as well.

"So, this is the Immortal that so many of us had been trying to capture." He said, leaning in.

Yun took one more step backwards, and she hit the wall. She forced herself to think of a way that she could inconspicuously pull out the dagger from her robes but his gaze dropped to her sleeve first before she could even move.

"Go ahead then. Show me what you are capable of."

Without hesitation, she flicked the dagger into her palm, and quickly slashed it outwards, dropping almost naturally into stance. It missed him by far wide however, as he leaned forwards, gliding a safe distance away from the blade.

Yun dropped back into defensive stance again, holding her blade in front of her chest.

"How... disappointing." He said, actually sounding disappointed. "I thought Lord Xu would train out a better student."

And then, he was in front of Yun, his hands thrusting outwards. It hit her in the chest and the stomach squarely, and she was sent knocking backwards into the wall. A grunt escaped her lips as she slid down, her knees weak.

He took another step towards her but before Yun could move, a gust of wind blew him backwards. He lifted into the air, and landed an arm's length away from Ying.

"Someone called." Her sabres were already in her hands, and stepping outwards, they slowly circled each other. Unlike the attitude she had when facing Hua Ji, Ying was grim as she started the fight, swinging her sabres at him with a yell.

Of Forgotten Dreams (Book 1) [NANOWRIMO 2022]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora