Swept Away

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The drive to the Hayes house was filled with Bea scolding them for taking so long- thanks to James, who took ten minutes just to get in the shower.

"Stupid..." she shook her head. "If you would've just gone with him, suck his dick, make the man happy, for Christ's sake, maybe we would've arrived on time!" she glared at Annie through the rearview mirror.

"Beatrice!" Cliff widened his eyes at her vulgar words.

"Shut it, Clifford!" she hissed, holding her hand up to silence him before smashing her foot on the brake.

James was laughing until she hit the brakes, and his forehead smacked against Cliff's head rest. "Ow... fuck..."

"Shut up, let's go." Bea muttered, opening her door and slamming it shut. Annie had trouble catching her breath after laughing so hard, seeing James get his karma, but Lars quickly pushed her out the door.

"Jesus, why are we all so violent today?" she groaned. James nodded his head in agreement as everybody followed the angered woman up the driveway.

Bea's parents greeted them at the door, and Annie was just about to step into Douglas' arms until she felt her sneaker being peeled off her heel.

She whipped her head around to see James, grinning at her. She rolled her eyes, but couldn't hide her amused smile when she remembered the memory of them from last year.

"Hello, sweetheart." Bea's dad greeted Annie, pulling her into a hug and planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Oh my," Bea's mom smiled softly, cupping Annie's face in her hands and kissing her forehead. Bea snorted. "Guys, you literally saw her a few months ago."

"She's practically family!" another voice exclaimed. Annie looked behind Doug's shoulder to see Logan walking toward her with a bright smile and open arms. "Buckley!" he pulled her into a tight hug, smelling her hair.

James grumbled, seeing Logan get too close for comfort, and using his nickname that only he was allowed to use.

"Hey, Logan..." Annie chuckled nervously as she pulled back, smoothing her dress down.

"Haven't seen ya in a while. Nice to see a pretty face." he stroked his finger over her cheek, never glancing in James' direction.

She laughed nervously, again. "Yeah, nice to see you too..." she averted her gaze to the ground, moving to pass him. James quickly followed, walking beside her and planting his hand firmly on her ass as they walked in.

Annie smacked his hand away, widening her eyes at him. "Not the time, or place." she muttered, scanning her eyes over the rest of Bea's extended family gathered in the house.

They all hung around for a bit until dinner was ready, then they all sat down at the table. When it came time to say grace, James held Annie's hand, and Lars', who sat next to him, but he stared down at his lap, not sure what to do. He hadn't said grace since he was young.

Annie noticed the confused expression on his face and leaned in. "It's okay, me too." she whispered, giggling quietly.

James' lips curved up into a smile as they finished and he was finally able to let go of Lars' sweaty hand, but he kept ahold of Annie's, resting their intertwined hands in his lap and rubbing the back of her thumb.

Throughout the dinner, Logan couldn't help but notice how much closer Annie and James looked. They always sat next to each other, hell, they were always within five feet of each other's vicinity, but the glimmering in her eyes when she gazed up at him was different. Same with him. Usually they'd be teasing each other, exchanging playful insults, but now when he looked down at her, the content smile would never leave his face.

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