Merry Christmas!

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Annie stayed by James' side the entire time just to keep herself sane around all the insane people that were drinking their heads off. She had a total of one beer so far and didn't even get to finish it as something hard hit her back, sending her forward and losing her grip on the glass bottle.

"Fuck!" She heard James shout as she groaned, standing up from the floor. Her hair and face was soaked from the puddle of beer on the floor. She heard a blow then a bunch of 'ooh's come from everybody just before she turned around to see James bringing his fist back and Logan stumbling.

"James, what the hell did you do?!" Beatrice came storming in at the sight of her cousin with a bloody nose. Annie was confused at how quickly hell broke loose just while she had her back turned.

"You just keep on pushing me and pushing me." James growled as he grabbed Logan's collar and pushed him hard against the wall. Hearing Logan groan, Annie immediately got flashbacks.

"I don't know what you-" she was cut off as the man swiftly grabbed her collar and pushed her hard against the wall. It knocked the wind out of her as she let out a quiet groan.

"Shut up, alright?" His eyes locked with hers. Now the look in his eyes made her feel something she never wanted to feel again. "Just shut up." He said quieter.

She was pulled from her thoughts as she heard glass shattering, looking back to see Logan with a beer bottle and James with a slice through his palm. He looked down at the blood pouring out, then balled his hand up again, ready to sock Logan.

"James!" Annie interjected before he swung. He looked back at her and saw her hands shaking and her eyes wide. "Not tonight. Please not tonight."

"What the fuck is going on in here?" Mick slid open the back door, walking in with a few other people behind him.

Annie looked at Mick then back at James, shaking her head. "Please?" She doubted he'd listen to her.

"What the hell?!" Mick gasped as he saw James' blood dripping into the carpet. Everybody started getting rowdy and starting random fights, but eventually Mick stood on the coffee table. "Alright assholes, get the fuck out of here. All of you!" He shouted, shooing everyone out the door.

Mick hopped off the table and glared at James. "Go." He growled, looking him up and down then walking away.

Annie wanted to sob uncontrollably then. So much chaos for what? She still didn't even know how James and Logan began fighting, and now, she didn't even care. She just wanted to curl up into a hole and die of embarrassment.

When James looked over at Annie as if to gauge her reaction, she shook her head and bit down hard, brushing past him and shoulder checking him on her way out the door.

As she was walking across the lawn she saw Mick with an orange glow around his face as he lit a cigarette. "Mick, I'm really sorry." She felt her cheeks heat up. She was completely humiliated. Even though Mick was a friend- and related to Aurora, he was still her boss, and it felt like she'd humiliated him at some formal dinner. "Like.. so sorry." She said lowly.

"It's okay, kid." Mick said, exhaling the smoke. "It wasn't your fault. I don't know mucha' what happened in there, but there's always been some weird tension between those guys. Rory mentioned something about you and Logan, but I always see you and that James kid together- so I'm assumin' it's got something to do with you." He chuckled.

"Yeah..." she said simply, scratching the back of her neck. "I dunno."

"That kid is trouble." He sighed, dropping the cigarette and stomping it out. Annie darted her eyes up to him at his words. "Nothin' but trouble. If you plan on takin' things further with him, you be careful." He said before patting her shoulder. "Night, kid. Get home safe." He walked away then.

Annie stood frozen in her spot as she stared at the flickering light post on the sidewalk. What did that even mean? Was he referring to James or Logan when he said trouble?

"We're leaving." A voice said as she felt the wind of them brushing past her. She turned to see Aurora stomping down the driveway, toward the car. "Hey." She caught up to her. "I'm really sorry. I know this is your guys' thing and all-"

"It's okay, Annie. It wasn't your fault." She whirled around to face her before turning again and hopping in the back of the truck.

Annie sighed in defeat and turned around, only to bump right into James. "Oh." She backed up, looking up at him.

"Yeah, oh." He said bluntly, looking back down at her and shifting uncomfortably on his feet.

"So you wanna tell me what the hell that was?" She raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest.

"No, I'd rather not." He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"Well, I'd rather you did." Bea and Cliff appeared besides James. Cliff patted James' shoulder supportingly before hopping into the truck, leaving him for dead.

"So, go on." Bea motioned her hand for him to speak up.

It was dark outside, so Annie had a hard time seeing her, but eventually realized Bea was looking at her. Not James.

"Huh?" Annie pointed a finger to her own chest. "Me? You mean me?"

"Yes. I saw you and Logan hassling each other at the door."

"Then why'd you ask what took us so long?" James interjected with a dry laugh.

Bea only glared at him then looked back at Annie.

"Okay, yeah." Annie shrugged. "He was hassling me. Not the other way around."

"I don't know what all this weird tension is between you three, but get a fucking grip. Annie, I don't know what your deal is- maybe he didn't sleep with you or something, but you don't have to start shit with my family."

James widened his eyes and Annie did the same. Where the hell did that even come from?

"Are you kidding me?" Annie scoffed, blinking at her.

"No, I'm not kidding you. Logan's been nothing but kind to you and you're just leading him on. Any time he tries to talk to you I see you and James sharing these looks or whispering something to each other, and I've really tried to ignore it-" Bea inhaled deeply and exhaled. "-but really. This isn't middle school, stop acting like hot shit just 'cause you're hanging out with boys now- boys that I introduced you to."

James stared at Beatrice in disbelief, as Annie did. She didn't even know what to say. She felt tears pooling over her eyes as she was just completely obliterated by her best friend.

Annie shook her head and shrugged, struggling to find words. "I'm sorry." She managed to get out just above a whisper.

James turned his head to Annie again at the sound of her breathing quickening. For some odd reason, he felt his heart rip into two and disintegrate right at his feet at the sight of her flushed cheeks that were currently being covered in tears.

Annie had just destroyed the humiliation scale. From the little scene that ended the party, to the weird talk she had with Mick, up until now- as the two people she cared about most watched her cry silently.

Suddenly she got the strength to pick up her foot and start walking. She didn't know where she was going, but she was walking. James felt her body brush up against his as she sped past him, walking down the dark sidewalk that still had a few people from the party.

"Jesus christ, Bea..." he sighed, looking at Beatrice who now had a shameful look on her face. He shook his head at her as he shoved his hands in his pockets and began walking backwards in the direction Annie went.

this chapter is literally so random what help

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