"He's right," I said. I walked up to Ace and stopped beside him, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. "You have to start living for yourself."

Riddle's face grew red, and he started stomping his foot. "Shut up, shut up, shut UP! My mother was right! And that means I'm right too!"

"Riddle, calm down," Trey said. "The duel is already over."

"Mr. Clover is correct," said Crowley. "The challenger has been disqualified due to physical violence. If you do not cease your conflict now, I'll have you written up for breaking school rules!"

"Ace is right, though!" said a Heartslabyul student. "I've had enough of Riddle!" Suddenly, someone threw something at Riddle, and the object hit him right in the face.

Riddle looked at him in shock. "Huh?!"

"An egg?" said Trey.

Riddle whipped his head around. "Who did that? Who threw that egg?!" Everyone remained silent, and he began to laugh hysterically. "You say YOU'RE fed up?! I'M the one who's fed up with all of YOU! No matter how strict I am, no matter how many heads I remove, you keep breaking the rules! All any of you care about is doing what YOU want to do! If the guilty party won't come forward, then I'll pass judgment on all of you! Clearly, none of you value your heads! Off With Your Heads!" The students closest to him were fitted with collars, and the rest started to run. "Ah ha ha ha! How do you like that, hm? Now no one can do a thing to me! Do you see now? My strict adherence to the rules was clearly the correct path!"

"Cease this improper behavior now, Mr. Rosehearts," Crowley said. "I expect better from you!"

"Trey, if he keeps using his spell..." Cater said. "This could get ugly, fast!"

"Riddle, stop this!" Trey said sharply.

"Wow, way to totally prove me wrong here, pal!" said Ace. "I call you a baby, and you immediately throw a temper tantrum!"

"Retract your comment immediately, or I shall skewer you where you stand!" Riddle bellowed.

"No way. I ain't retractin' squat."

"You can't always get your way," I said.

"YEEEAAAAARGH!" Riddle raged.

"Dude, this is bad!" Cater said, eyes wide. "You've G-2-G, now!"

"The rose trees!" Grim said. "They're floating!"

"This is some serious magic!" said Deuce.

"Mighty roses, tear this brute to pieces!" Riddle said, deadly intent in his eyes. I gasped. He wanted to destroy Ace!

"Cease and desist at once!" Crowley shouted.

" It's already too late...!" I said. Besides, Ace seemed frozen in fear. Instinctively, I moved in front of him to shield him, even though we would both probably get struck.

Ace gasped. "What are you...?"

Just as the trees were about to hit us, they suddenly turned into harmless playing cards. "Nngh?! What just-" said Riddle.

"Huh?" said Ace. "We're still alive? What's with all these playing cards?"

"All the rose trees turned into cards?" said Deuce.

"Riddle, stop this right now!" Trey said firmly.

"Wait, is that Trey's 'Paint the Roses?!'" said Cater. "But... how?!"

"All the magic-sealin' collars are gone!" Grim exclaimed.

"What did I tell you?" said Trey. "My magic can overwrite characteristics for a short time. So I used it to make 'Riddle's magic' into 'my magic.'"

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